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Опубликовано: 26 сен. 2016 г. в 16:25

Cry of Fear is definitely an Indie effort at making a new Monolith styled game and for those of you who don't know what I mean by Monolith I mean games life the FEAR series, Condemned series and even Blood 1 and Blood 2 all of which all things in common, they were shooters for the most part (though condemned is the oddball since it is a survival game like Cry of Fear), they all have extreme horror spirit and elements, they pride on the shooter past of silent protagonists (except Blood which is also like Cry of Fear as the protagonist is voiced), they all bear twisted nightmarish creatures, they all have some pretty f-ed up gruesome images as in headless people with bloody necks and spines sticking out and all as well as rolling heads, they all seem to have a psychotic antagonist except Blood which only has a power-monger and they all have those crazy hallucination or psychic breakdown moments where the world warps itself into a twisted nightmare and Silent Hill is no exception save it is dimension based. Anyways, enough of the comparisons since most every major horror game is either a carbon copy of another with an entirely different story and set of realism laws or inspired by one another in uncanny ways it is of little point, for me, Cry of Fear seems to be a game made for veteran gamers instead of making the easy mode easy to get through with console codes and casual gamer friendly challenges whereas the rest of the game's modes exiles all of that in favor of challenging the player, nope we don't get that since we are either vets or 'go home and cry in your pillow noob' gamers. Yes I know the rest of the gaming industry makes games way too easy these days and there doesn't seem to be enough challenge anymore but the idea of making the easy mode easier than making a sandwhich would be nice, the rest of the game can kick our sorry asses into the next year kicking, crying and screaming for mercy only for it to answer 'the best of humanity is wasted on sad sorry sods who are the likes of you'. The music is good for a horror based game but it also seems to coincide with the doomer moments of the game. The story is about a depressed teenager trying to solve the great riddle about himself to understand the reason for the fact he exists at all when it seems his life went to hell straight after the accident he got into, he clearly seems to have this emo-ish attitude when meeting his girlfriend, the cuts on his wrist where he stabs the morphine in, how he overreacts to everything and is quite squeemish, when he decides to commit suicide and either he is stopped or he succeeds and the story he tells about how he felt like this background noise of a person as did his girlfriend and says cleary to her "I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you!" which leads me to believe he is the only emo video game character out there and there might be others but he seems the prime one. The gameplay could use improvement and also no brief time limit when escaping a collapsing train car on easy mode for god sakes, either that or make Simon able to climb since games nowadays have that grab onto a ledge and pull yourself up thing these days, it would make it less of a stress test to get out of that falling train part when doing certain things seem a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ to do and no I don't know how to do a 'proper angle approach' method, I'm a casual gamer. Between Caleb of Blood and Simon of Cry of Fear, one is a badass and the other is a bit of a wimp, one has awesome arsenal and the other has a crappy inventory meant for an adventure puzzle game, one enjoys battling the craziest, most dangerous and scariest of monsters for to run out would make him depressed and the other has the attitude of every engagement with that lot is grating ever more on his sanity to the point he wants to curl into a ball, wake up and find it was all just a bad dream. That's my two cents and no I haven't done the coop as I'm a lone gamer usually, especially around Halloween.
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