♼ Knodden
Andreas   Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
I'd Rather Die Laughing Than Be Bored To Death

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현재 오프라인
medved 2024년 5월 3일 오후 3시 29분 
Added 2 have a quick chat
76561199093609236 2023년 9월 13일 오전 12시 24분 
dude we want to give you rank
Kira 2022년 11월 6일 오후 1시 10분 
wanted to talk to you about one of your buckaroo hats
76561198815654707 2022년 11월 5일 오후 4시 32분 
TF2 bet want to sponsor you, for channel
CHRISje 2022년 8월 16일 오전 7시 57분 
I would like to trade
Kolt™ B> w3000+ Keys 2022년 8월 15일 오후 7시 54분 
Hi, I added you as I was interested in offering on some of your items. Please get back to me one way or another ;)

I also own a couple of high tier brainiacs and engineer hats, perhaps you’d be into them. If not, I’m down to work out some pure or cash offer on some of your items.