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byteframe's cat 3 мая. 2020 г. в 3:41 
James Dean is married to Merlin Olsen. At a conscious level, Author Yukio Mishima felt that he was a bit overweight and thoght he should lose some pounds. But part of him felt that he was going to attract too much attention to himself if he became slim again, and irrationally, that he might undermine his relationship with Sally Struthers. In fact, once before when he was trimmer, he did have an affair and it almost ended his relationship with Actress Jennifer Tilly. Because they have a child together, Francoise Sagan is very worried about divorce, custody rights and the effect of their separation on the child and himself. So part of him thinks that keeping the pounds on will help him hang on to the stability of his relationship with Glenn Close. 💵
SNIPER ASLI BANTEN 11 фев. 2015 г. в 2:30 
approve dude
MiTH . JUSTCAUSE by. Kirosz 10 фев. 2015 г. в 3:00 