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Показати предмети з усіма обраними умовами:
Показані результати 1–3 із 3
Kexx Usual setup
Автор(и) колекції Kexx
My usual setup, voicepacks, enemies, difficulty modifiers, no toys, few fixes. 19 Local Mods
Soldier Cosmetics-Only List for Odd Season 8
Автор(и) колекції Kexx
This is the Official full soldier cosmetics list to be used for Christopher Odd's XCOM 2: War of the Chosen modded campaign Season 8. Every item in this collection is needed, and ONLY the items from this collection are needed. This means: - If you do not u
Soldier Cosmetics-Only List for Odd Season 7
Автор(и) колекції Kexx
This is the Official full soldier cosmetics list to be used for Christopher Odd's XCOM 2: War of the Chosen modded campaign Season 7. Every item in this collection is needed, and ONLY the items from this collection are needed. This means: - If you do not u
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