Bladestalker 24.1.2021 klo 11.25 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
Holly 25.2.2019 klo 2.16 
I can give my Manifold Paradox phantom assasin acrana for all of your Dota 2 loading screens (Im collecting them and you have a lot of screens I want) so if it's ok send me trade offer please. Trade link in my profile bio
The Strongest Blueberry 21.6.2016 klo 13.46 
added about team brah
AnimalsShouldNotTryToActLikePeop 16.5.2016 klo 21.07 
Interested in joining your team. Expirienced player willing to play any position. available most afternoons eastern standard time. Hit me up!
fierysnake mode lion bounce 6.3.2015 klo 20.38 
boy of big plz stop snooze and join :d2invoker::d2invoker: