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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,859.7 hrs on record (1,447.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 30, 2019 @ 12:24pm
Updated: Aug 13, 2019 @ 2:36pm

Overall I recommend the game, but there are some pretty strong caveats to consider.

Fatshark, the games developer, do tend to change core mechanics as major patches and DLC's launch. This to date has caused passionate members in the community to become split and vocal about what they do and don't like (myself included). There's usually a period of adjustment and minor patch releases to tune the game however and Fatshark does listen to feedback across various channels. I'm keeping historical entries for my reviews at different times below.

The reason why I continue to recommend the game is that Fatshark continues to demonstrate continued support and investment into the game. They take on board feedback and recognize areas for improvement. The CEO of Fatshark, Martin Wahlund, gets actively involved on Twitch streaming sessions and responds to questions asked and doesn't avoid the tough ones. Looking forward to seeing where the game goes next.

Update 2019-08-10:
It used to be good, until the Winds of Magic release came close, now what used to be a fast paced enjoyable coop game has been significantly changed at its core. As a player with 1500 hrs I'm feeling somewhat lost and disappointed with this shift in direction. These aren't even DLC related changes either. I've previously dropped money on every DLC Fatshark has released for VT1 and VT2 as soon as it dropped, but this is the first time where I've held back waiting to see what happens. The bugs and changes that have gone out to production for those of us that haven't even bought the DLC are ridiculous, quality has taken a backseat and the game is poorer for it. I don't want to reward Fatshark for this behavior this time around. I'm going to wait for the DLC to go on special, and even then I'm going to have serious second thoughts as to whether or not to purchase. As a long time player, and supporter of the dev's, this feels like a betrayal. I don't expect core gameplay to change for the worse and bugs to be introduced to a game that should be continuing to improve, not regress. Fatshark, please learn from this and do better!

Initial review:
I've got 1447 hours played so far on this game. It's good, 'nuff said!
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