my youtube sпit vids
12y/o braindead ex cs go not so pro gamer
useless junk [faceit.com]

Momenteel offline
ONHUI 27 okt 2022 om 16:08 
казлы кикнули)
KEiZ 23 okt 2021 om 11:21 
-rep aug only nob
New Blender (C'mon Israel) 17 apr 2021 om 15:48 
pidor with cheat
Traweł Haze 1 apr 2021 om 11:59 
-rep 0 info playing alone
weakboii ♕ 9 mrt 2021 om 16:03 
"12y/o braindead cs go pro gamer" that's right. He is piece of ♥♥♥♥, russian disabled kid. Sadge for ur mom
Баньте читеров !!! 9 mrt 2021 om 12:01 
Спалился с читами?!