get out of here fed
Ten Thousand Years Of Non-Linear Warfare Between Birds And Humans Has Led Us To This Intersection In Time.
shadow gamerz - Roblox2 23 Jul 2022 @ 2:29pm 
Possibly the nicest Diona player I've ever met in Genshin Impact. His comments about her belly button were a little weird but it might have been ironic.
Whale 24 Apr 2019 @ 6:41pm 
TheRogers 26 Jun 2018 @ 3:42pm 
Balls? That's a very odd statement you made. You're either talking about sports equipment, or using the slang term for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, in which case I have to ask, how does possession of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ correlate with bravery?
Based on your comment, would a person carrying a burlap sack filled with dozens of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ be exceptionally braver than those without such a collection?
And if we're talking organs, then usually it's the heart that is associated with bravery.
If the most fragile and vulnerable anatomy of the male human is really that significant, then why does the Military award soldiers wounded in battle with purple hearts instead of blue balls?