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quotes to remember
ayy lmao: brb im like
ayy lmao: sucking my own ♥♥♥♥

Venom: go go dog♥♥♥♥ rangers!

a basket full of bread: WHAT IS THIS ♥♥♥♥

tetra sucks ♥♥♥♥♥ for memes: tetra are you special
item you can suck your own ♥♥♥♥: yeah ok whatever item im ♥♥♥♥♥♥ special
item you can suck your own ♥♥♥♥: what do you want from me
tetra sucks ♥♥♥♥♥ for memes: no i just wanted to hear you call yourself special

yns :>: i heard youve been blowing ur trumpet harder than quins peanos when he sights a new meme on the horizon

19:27 - yns :>: because his crosshair was on his opponents heads
19:27 - yns :>: at the same time
19:27 - yns :>: as their heads were in his crosshair

Puggerugger: I swear you'd like
Puggerugger: See a burning baby
Puggerugger: But be like
Puggerugger: "If I save it it may grow up to be better than me at tf2"
Puggerugger: and walk away

hatefield: I am a pedo

Lets go Vertigo!: i acc wish i was gay

yes fuel yes: wot wud u do if i sucked ur ♥♥♥♥

item: literally my uni was 10x better than everyone elses
tetar: your uni
item: unu
item: u kno wot i mean
tetar: your uni was betetr
tetar: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
tetar: ok fine im more retarded
item: yes

ay: ima jump out the window haha

item: are u fat
no fuel no: ye
item: fat confirmed

rnw. yaynos: would you rather eat your own ♥♥♥♥
rnw. yaynos: or someone elses ♥♥♥♥

Crypto: so basically you figured
Crypto: if I can't kill people
Crypto: I guess I'm just gonna save em
Crypto is now Online.
im: you legit keep finding new ways to roast me its actually insane

Bloo: I'd rather suck ♥♥♥♥ than suck penis to be honest
Bool: who's that bloo guy
Bool: sounds gay

I carry bots: AYY
I carry bots: i just tricked a public phone into giving me 0.1£
item: wtf
item: how
I carry bots: lol i wrapped a 1 dinar (like a pound) to my finger
I carry bots: shoved it in and out quickly
I carry bots: called someone and hanged up quickly
item: mfw
I carry bots: gave me the change
I carry bots: you know hat i bought with it?
I carry bots: 30 pieces of candy xd
item: mfw

I carry bots: it's a guy on a random porn site
I carry bots: on chat
item has changed their name to Funderful1000.
Funderful1000: knows about people on porn sites
Funderful1000: doesnt watch porn
Funderful1000: 10/10 believable

ducks: oh yeah my gf is every 10 yo girl that comes up on google images

yaynos [NO PC]: steme
itm: steme.
yaynos [NO PC] is now Online.
yaynos [NO PC]: steam + meme
yaynos [NO PC]: steam is a meme
yaynos [NO PC]: therefore steme
itm: steam is not a meme
itm: are you autistic
yaynos [NO PC]: a bit
itm: ok
yaynos [NO PC]: and it is a meme ♥♥♥♥ you

<3: ayy cook
<3: ♥♥♥♥
itm: cook

item :3: muni
item :3: do you have caner
item :3: *cancer
Muni LFT mix/merc: dam right ♥♥♥♥♥
item :3: nice

my friend: u like my profile
my friend: :))))
make the donger longer: Nah :DDDDDDDDd
make the donger longer: ur were a ♥♥♥
make the donger longer: "Nah :DDDDDDDDd"
make the donger longer: wtf item
make the donger longer: srsly
my friend: i was a ♥♥♥
my friend: ok
my friend: i was also 12
my friend: ok
make the donger longer: i was also sperm
make the donger longer: ok
my friend: nice meme

tsituA: i wanted to name the team Diviam after you
tsituA: plz love meh
item: no
item: ♥♥♥ u
tsituA: My two suggestions were
tsituA: Diviam
tsituA: and
item: thats not even how you spell it
tsituA: Doovey is Love Doovey is Life
tsituA: It is now sounds more like a curry than a name tbf
item: MFW
tsituA: :)
tsituA: But
tsituA: how can a curry sound so english?
item: ;)
tsituA: coincidence?
tsituA: i think not
item: YES
tsituA: Illuminarty must be involved
tsituA: Plz love me itm

Bloo: ;3
item: gay confirmed

tetra ¦]: i would literally eat a ♥♥♥♥

bleach your toilet

jimmij the autist: while i was on the toilet
Cache my Fish: yes
jimmij the autist: i remembered that i hate polish people
jimmij the autist: so
Cache my Fish has changed their name to ok lad.
jimmij the autist: what i will do from now on
jimmij the autist: is i will not ♥♥♥♥ for 48 hours
jimmij the autist: then ill go to like a public toilet
jimmij the autist: and all the ♥♥♥♥ will have built up in to one mega ♥♥♥♥
jimmij the autist: so ill ♥♥♥♥ in the toilet
jimmij the autist: and block it
ok lad: wat.
jimmij the autist: and polish toilet cleaners will have to unblock the mega ♥♥♥♥
jimmij the autist: and so the cycle goes on
I spill
I samtale