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3 van de 11 (27%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Absolutely Legal

Use Ether Inhaler.
Ontgrendeld op 18 sep 2019 om 3:00

That's Brutal!

Die during the tutorial
Ontgrendeld op 18 sep 2019 om 2:54

Watch Me Rise

Complete the tutorial.
Ontgrendeld op 18 sep 2019 om 3:04

Bela Lugosi is Dead

Kill Ascended Archon.

Bad Luck Cultist Extravaganza

Kill at least one Proselyte of every type in a single playthrough.

Dressed to Kill

Equip an item to every slot. Cape, rings and amulet slots don’t count.


Have your health reduced to 1 point, survive and restore it back to at least 50%.


Read all lore notes in a single playthrough. Treatises aren't required.

Legalise Drugs and Murder

Kill any enemy while experiencing Bad Trip.

The Bitter Beginning

Complete the Prologue.

Eternal Hunger

Kill Ascended Archon without letting him eat a single corpse.