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This game, is what a game should really be: simple, effective and fun, now this game is not for everyone, especially for those who do not know what patience is. This game requires not a beefy computer, but a brain....

The Ship is a hunt and be hunted game, that means you will have a quarry to kill with other passengers in one of the many beautiful cruise ships that you can choose pre-game. You can choose a variety of weapons and come up with very creative ways to take out your prey. You can place a wallet bomb outside the room of your quarry and then BAM! there she goes. However you have keep a low profile and always watch your back, the map size depends on the cruise ship you chose, some are big maps with lots of doors and hallways while some are smaller.

You also need to rest, eat, go to the toilet and all those boring things, but dont get me wrong! Not only is this adding in a bit of realism, it also varies the game a bit my forcing you to find a toilet, have a snack or even read a book instead of going on a killing spree. You can also deposit all the money earned from killing into the bank to make sure your hard-earned cash stays safe after you die. Use this money to buy food or even clothes to look sexy and proffesional as possible when dealing out some hits!

For the maximum fun possible I recommend playing with friends you know (as in the case of most multiplayer games), but either way it can be fun if you want it to. There are alot of points I missed but those are for you to find out, go buy and play for yourself! But remember always watch your back, unless you want to feel helpless, hopeless and most of all...Dead!

I hope the developers keep this game growing! real potential!
Publicada el 22 de febrero de 2015. Última edición: 22 de febrero de 2015.
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Amazing game, unlike other fps, really competitive and does not just focus on leveling up and gaining new items "Cough" COD "Cough" . Totally recommend if you want to have teamwork and competitive fun.
Publicada el 8 de diciembre de 2013. Última edición: 8 de diciembre de 2013.
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