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GOAT Nov 15, 2022 @ 7:40pm 
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ShadeRunner007 May 1, 2022 @ 6:55pm 
After watching the cinematic
masterpiece that was Morbius, I am more excited
than I have ever been in my life for the as-yet-to-be-
announced sequels Morbius 2: Son of Morbius and
Morbius 3: The Mighty Morbin Power Rangers
Matt Smith was the best thing about this film, and
I'm surprised he didn't win best actor at the Oscars
this year. I guess his fight with fan-favourite Morbius
got upheaved by the majestic battle that was Will
"Not related to Matt" Smith vs Chris
"Not The Rock"
ShadeRunner007 May 1, 2022 @ 6:54pm 
Arguably humanity's masterpiece. Morbius is an epic adventure classic with an engrossing story, memorable characters and stunning action sequences that make it one of the best films ever made. Morbius reaffirms global superstar Jared Leto as one of the world's greatest talents.
Sony's epic tale of an incredible superhero journey is entertaining, poignant and inventive in its storytelling, earning its reputation as a landmark achievement in film.
GOAT Jul 5, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
Hi, I'm selling MOST of my team fortress 2 inventory. It includes things like taunts, weapons, and cosmetics. If you are interested message me and I can send you a MUCH bigger and more in-depth explanation of what I'm selling.
YAPYAP THE DESTROYER Aug 4, 2020 @ 7:50pm 
as Kled i hate it when I'm in a 1v1 against a Urgot has high base dmg from his passive shotgun knees. In this lane you want to look to poke him with q from lvs 1-3, once you have your full combo you want to look for engages when you have the minion wave on your side of the lane along with when he wastes his q or w on the wave. Look to freeze the wave early to force him to have to walk up and attempt to shove the wave in with his abilities. D shield is a good starting item for this lane because it allows you to walk up more in the lane without having the threat of getting hard poked pre lv 3/4 where you can start to look for engages/fights. Once urgot hits lv 6 you have to be careful when you are getting low and about to get dismounted since if e's or q's you when u are dismounted it is easy for him to hit his ult and execute you since your max hp is including skaarls so once you are dismounted you are very vulnerable to the execute.
Poverty Goddess Aug 4, 2020 @ 6:24pm 
John Yakuza