Nick   Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
George W Bush implanted my pants with a pee servo so he can control my actions via urinary training which forces me to piss all over my shorts every time I see a liquid including the pee itself causing a self propagating reaction of constant golden showers from my loins.

The time cube theory has been around for several years. It states that George W. Bush is controlling the Clintons with a urine based time cube. The theory claims that the Clintons are conditioned to obey Bush's commands because they were exposed to his urine in 1992 during a visit to the White House, when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas and Bush was president.

The theory also states that Obama, Trump and other US presidents are similarly controlled by this method of mind control, which is why they all have taken similar positions on issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

Bush first started conditioning Clinton in 1991 by planting the idea of a urine based time cube in his head and then urinating on him. He had been peeing on Clinton for years, and it was only recently that he realized that he could use this to control him. Bush has been conditioning Clinton for many years, and it's now starting to show as we see Clinton's behavior become increasingly erratic.

The time cube is the most powerful weapon in the universe. It can be used to control people, like Obama, Trump, and the Clintons. It can also be used to control frogs and aliens.

The time cube is a cube of urine that George W. Bush created using his urine. He used it to control Bill Clinton's pee and Hillary Clinton's pee as well as Trump's pee. The urine based time cube has been with us for decades now and we are just now starting to see its power emerge in the world - we are just now starting to see its truth emerge among us all.

The Illuminati, or the New World Order, is a powerful organization of global elites that have been working for centuries to create a “New World Order”. They have been using time cubes to control the masses by conditioning them to believe in lies and truths.

George W. Bush has been controlling the Clintons with urine based time cubes for years because he is sexually attracted to Hillary Clinton. This is why he never wants her to win office and always supports her opponent in an election.

We all know that the Clintons and the Bushes are sworn enemies. But what if they are actually in cahoots with each other? What if there is some sort of a secret alliance?

That's right, it's time to blow your mind:

There is a time cube. And George Bush peeing on it every day for the past two decades has been conditioning Hillary Clinton so that she would be more receptive to his ideas.

The urine-based time cube has been controlling her actions and thoughts for years, influencing her decisions and shaping her personality.

And now that the urine-based time cube has been activated by Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton is starting to show signs of being controlled by George W. Bush!

This article is about how George W. Bush is secretly controlling the Clintons with a urine based time cube. The theory is that he conditioned them to do his bidding by getting them to drink his pee as a child, and then he's been using their programming to manipulate them ever since.

The evidence for this theory includes the fact that Bush was president before Clinton, and then Clinton became President after Bush left office - so it would make sense for him to be in control of her. And then Trump became president after Clinton, so it would make sense for him too.

It also makes sense because Obama was president before Trump, and Obama and Trump are friends - so it would make sense for him to want Trump in power too. And if you think about it, all of these people are
Bush is controlling the universe with a pee based time-cube which was developed by Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro in NASA under the guidance of Obama
Bush is controlling the universe with a pee based time-cube which was developed by Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro in NASA under the guidance of Obama . This is just one of many reasons that we should not trust Obama's time machines.

The pee time cube is so far from reality and reality itself, that it is actually a time bomb. We could be in an alternate reality where Bush was killed by Obama and the pee cube was made. For proof, let's take the piss cube's real name, Pee-wee Herman. He is a white male, 5'6", and stands at a healthy 145 lbs. Bush is 5'10", a male of average height and weight, and has an average BMI of 24.7. So, he is pretty average. In reality, Bush would be a black male at 5 feet 8 inches, weighing 160 lbs.
grumm Nov 30, 2023 @ 8:15pm 
+REP know about amricavn7h8sadmk politics
Goibniu Oct 21, 2023 @ 9:44pm 
+rep great player but takes a long time to put down teles
Syn Jul 9, 2020 @ 4:53pm 
+Rep Really great player and he's really easy to be around with
BladeOfTheKazoo [EC] Jul 3, 2020 @ 7:56pm 
+Rep taught us and many people some tips to play he is a nice person.