
Hydeuken の最近のレビュー

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This may be the first review I've ever wrote. The game was just that good, I had heard so much beforehand about how it was creepy and stuff. Played an hour and it was still so peaceful. Hour and a half still fine, but really sad. Two hours boom wtf city. The following twoish hour will be the greatest fever dream you ever have the pleasure to experience. The ending is a work of art, so much love. Love love love! Play it!
投稿日 2018年2月14日.
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This is actually a pretty cool game from what I've played. I do enjoy the crossover units. More games should have characters from other games. I did a short review of the game here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCMbyfc7GNA
投稿日 2015年6月5日.
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Here is a review type video I made, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipQeic4GO6U , I don't really enjoy it that much, but I may just really suck at the game. I never got past the first level, I thought it was just endless. If I ever manage to get better maybe I'll do a more proper review.
投稿日 2015年5月2日.
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