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Publicada el 12 OCT 2020 a las 12:08 a. m.
Actualizada el 19 OCT 2020 a las 1:00 a. m.
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 builds upon what worked in the original game while improving upon or outright removing the things that didn't work in the original game. In every shape, way and form - Sonic 2 is the perfect sequel to Sonic 1.

Let's run it from the top. The entire game was designed around the same philosophy that Sonic 1's Green Hill Zone had, making every stage a frantic, fast paced rollercoaster with clever paths and goodies to explore. A couple of my own personal favorite zones include Aquatic Ruin Zone, Hill Top Zone and Chemical Plant Zone. On top of that - they trimmed unnecessary fat from Sonic 1 in almost every single zone, that being the fact that almost every zone in the game only lasts 2 acts! Although not every stage is perfect - I particularly dislike the likes of Casino Night and Oil Ocean, and especially Metropolis Zone, being the only zone with 3 acts in the entire game, hence why I said "most".

I could go on more about the things this game added - a second playable character, that being Tails, the addition of Super Sonic, the reworked special stages (which I actually kind of dislike), etc. but there isn't a whole lot that I can't say more about Sonic 2 that hasn't been said before.

There is one thing I will say though - I really wish they released the Christian Whitehead version of the game that's currently available on mobile, as that version has full widescreen support and extra content like the restoration of the cut Hidden Palace Zone, but I'm not the first and certainly won't be the last to mention that. Despite that - the original Mega Drive release, which this is running on an officially Sega endorsed emulator, is still a good time to be had. If you haven't - you should, especially while it's free thanks to Sega's 60th anniversary sale.
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