3 people found this review helpful
45.4 hrs last two weeks / 9,696.9 hrs on record (7,422.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 5, 2014 @ 6:36pm
Updated: Jun 22, 2020 @ 7:02am

Team Fortress 2.

Okay so.
I’m no expert or pro at making essays, in-depth reviews or even giving deeply convincing advice to anyone.
I’ve had to rewrite this multiple times for god sake its that surreal to me.

The only thing I can do is just list in dot point form, what the amazing things this game has done for me, that will forever be remembered for as long as I live, as its affected my life in many good, bad, interesting and amazingly powerful ways.

* TF2 was THE game that got me started on PC gaming and using the Steam platform to then move forward with other PC games, thus converting me from a past young console boy, to a devoted present twenty one year old gamer computer guy
* Discovering a interactive/social trading community known as EGC (Endless Gamers Community) managed to slowly move me out of my comfort zone and help cure me of my diagnosed anxiety. It bonded me with hundreds of Australian and international friends. It made me bus over 12 hours along my countryside to a smaller group of friends that I had been gaming with for over the years within EGC. Seeing their faces and hugging them made me feel happy about life itself. I’m still in contact with this small group. EGC will always have a place in my heart as a veteran of them.
* By using the TF2 Mann Vs. Machine gamemode, I amassed a following on Twitch (livestreaming platform). Hitting cool viewer averages, receiving donations and building my own niche community. That feeling of being a educator and leader in MvM gave me passion to strive on and bring a form of entertainment to people who needed it. To this day I want to go back to that and get that feeling back.
* Discovering ToTH (Tip of the Hats), a annual charity event to donate to cancer camps for kids. Some treatment can be in the form of happiness for these kids, as they didn’t have long to live, finding this semi-TF2 based charity and donating made me truely believe I made a difference in my life. I donate over $100USD a year to this charity.
* Over the years I also did admin work within many small communities, gaining a good mature knowledge of leadership, basic source-mod commands and source-mod web-bans. Altho I would not do it again, as it takes too much wasted time out of my days and the pressured toxicity of it all sometimes got to me. It was a fun time while it did last.
* In my early years of playing TF2, I would download “TF2 item generators” in hopes of getting more cool/wacky items. Stupidly, this was fake and I would soon have my first steam account hijacked forever. This moment taught me about the idea of cyber security and not to believe everything you read on the Internet. I made a new account and moved on.
* Tf2 brought out a competitive side of me. Not by a lot tho as I haven’t ever earned a comp badge (yet).

Overall I guess.

TF2 will be a game I always come back to.
Not everyday. But most days.
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