Maxi 5. kvě. 2021 v 9.40 
Hry I hope the dogecoin business is going well
Dragonce 24. čvc. 2020 v 11.58 
looking to buy some bp
zoer 9. zář. 2019 v 10.36 
Closing up on 5 years since last time, and I still remember your voice like it was yesterday. I love you harry.
zoer 8. pro. 2018 v 11.50 
I miss you man. I miss you so much.
tmt 24. říj. 2018 v 11.26 
because i still feel catfished
Llyth 24. říj. 2018 v 10.42 
lyrete why do you remind us of this great loss
tmt 24. říj. 2018 v 4.38 
rip in pepperonis
Llyth 15. led. 2018 v 2.40 
3 years
tmt 15. srp. 2017 v 5.42 
yes, you can run away by ignoring my friend request OR, better yet, you can accept it, take 5 minutes to play an aim map against me (whenever you aren't busy, not necessarily right now), and prove how much of a pathetic and scrub player am I. More than worth it, don't you think? Consider it an early Christmas present.

I can't see a reasonable reason why wouldn't go with the latter, do you?

I'm not a kid who challenges players to a 1V1 match, but then again, up until this match with you, I haven't been told I have such terrible aim (on the contrary, I've been told the opposite, but who am I to speak? I'm just a blubbering monkey you are about to discipline. Hopefully).

I will not bother you with further friend requests, if you decline it again, I'll just assume you're a pathetic coward who cannot stand behind his words (in all honesty - no offense, but again - I can't see any other reason you'd decline), and leave you be.
Maxi 16. dub. 2017 v 16.29 
Happy Easter Harry
Nikno 28. led. 2017 v 0.13 
rip harry :c
tmt 21. led. 2017 v 11.31 
Last online 737 days ago. Literally best catfish of 2k14
BerryParty 8. čvc. 2016 v 3.36 
Is hry died?
gonzo 18. kvě. 2016 v 12.13 
hello looking to buy some bp
Dragonce 16. úno. 2016 v 13.03 
Harry pls come back to TF2. Almost 400 days offline ;-;
Maxi 30. led. 2016 v 12.42 
When you spent a year searching info and still only know Harrison T
Llyth 15. led. 2016 v 14.33 
tmt 29. pro. 2015 v 3.23 
Hry confirmed best catfish of 2014
DreadSlap 25. pro. 2015 v 7.54 
I hope Harry mår bra!
s 25. pro. 2015 v 7.49 
Here I am again, its christmas and im having the worst one yet. There are so much things I wish I could escape from right now.. but I haven't forgotten about you, I remember how you always made me feel better whenever I was sad. That beautiful warm voice of yours always made me feel like I had someone I could rely on. I guess life happens.. eh? I hope you are okay and I hope you havent forgotten about all the people here that still love you. warm hugs from solitude and your friends. have a nice christmas.
zoer 1. lis. 2015 v 6.41 
I like to go here when I'm sad. I usually get even more sad because Harry is gone, but I also get reminded of all the happy memories I had with Harry, and all the beautiful things he used to say. I really really hope he comes back some time, and that he is having a good time wherever he might be right now. Much love from all of us. #pray4harry
BerryParty 27. říj. 2015 v 3.37 
Hry donation organization is in effect. Only your support and generous donation can bring back Hry
s 28. zář. 2015 v 15.13 
I miss you :(
s 28. zář. 2015 v 15.11 
Its almost been a year, come home buddy #pilo
Llyth 28. zář. 2015 v 14.59 
lol I'm not the only one who regularly comes here to check if anything has changed ;_;
tmt 23. zář. 2015 v 3.29 
rip hry 250 days ago
gonzo 13. kvě. 2015 v 8.29 
hry i love u
zoer 12. kvě. 2015 v 9.40 
Harry I just came to say I really really miss you... please write somehing to me if you ever have time. Hope uni is great, many kisses! ~zoer
Dyawyb 6. dub. 2015 v 9.23 
How are you able to sell your BP if you are never online ;(
tmt 4. dub. 2015 v 8.04 
Rest in peace sweet prince
gonzo 3. dub. 2015 v 17.01 
hry bro i miss you :( i remember the fun we had
Maxi 4. bře. 2015 v 10.39 
hry pls come back 1st year is not this hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q71sg8bLh6E
tmt 23. úno. 2015 v 8.24 
rip hry 2k15
Dyawyb 17. úno. 2015 v 23.42 
!Hry come back, too much school not enough tf2.
DreadSlap 25. pro. 2014 v 11.44 
Llyth 22. pro. 2014 v 17.35 
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DreadSlap 8. lis. 2014 v 8.07 
Good at Swedish. Also TF2.
symph 19. říj. 2014 v 12.50 
Did you hear about Ku Klux Knieval?
He tried to jump 50 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with a steam roller.
pattesdevelours 19. říj. 2014 v 11.02 
How are black people and tornadoes similar?
It only takes one to ruin a neighborhood.
Dragonce 16. říj. 2014 v 14.22 
What's the difference between black people and cancer?
Cancer found jobs
wardemon 13. říj. 2014 v 14.35 
……… ……....__.(__)..__
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Dragonce 13. říj. 2014 v 5.21 
Hitler may have killed 6 million Jews, but he sure as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hell saved the History channel.
Dragonce 13. říj. 2014 v 5.21 
Why don't Jews eat pork?
Jews may be a lot of things but cannibals they are not!
Dragonce 13. říj. 2014 v 5.21 
What's the difference between boy scouts and Jews?
Boy scouts come back from their camps.
Dragonce 13. říj. 2014 v 5.21 
Why are Jewish synagogues round?
So they cant hide in the corner when the collection box comes round
Dragonce 13. říj. 2014 v 5.20 
What's the difference between a Jew and a canoe?
A canoe tips!
Dragonce 13. říj. 2014 v 5.20 
What's the difference between a catholic wife and a Jewish wife?
A catholic wife has real orgasms and fake jewellery!
tmt 12. říj. 2014 v 14.02