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3.3 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 338.8 uur in totaal (179.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 16 nov 2022 om 3:42

今年的是 movavi 2022 明年就是 movavi 2023
之前的 movavi 2020 movavi 2021
实际上就相当于买了一款 1 年期的软件,
你也不希望在 2022 年用着 movavi 2019 吧,
相当于每年抛弃一批老用户 !
希望发行商把软件改名为 《movavi video suite》

Although all aspects are good.
But it's disgusting that this software comes out with one version every year.
This year's is movavi 2022, next year is movavi 2023.
The previous movavi 2020 movavi 2021
It is the old version that is no longer updated.
People buy software mainly because of the continuous update.
Therefore, buying this software
In fact, buying this software is like buying a 1-year old software.
You don't want to use movavi 2019 in 2022, right?
It's the same as abandoning a group of old users every year!
The other features are satisfactory and sufficient.
I hope the publisher will change the name of the software to "movavi video suite".
Otherwise, I don't recommend you to buy it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Reactie van ontwikkelaar:
Movavi  [ontwikkelaar] Geplaatst: 18 nov 2022 om 1:48

Thank you for letting us know about your situation. We take into account every customer's opinion in order to continuously improve our products and services.

Please note that each version of the program (Video Suite 2021, Video Suite 2022, etc.) receives free minor updates for one year. And as soon as the next version of the program is released, we provide an opportunity to upgrade with a 30% discount.
This upgrade policy is followed by most software companies.

Please also note that upgrading to a new version is optional. If you are completely satisfied with the version of the program you initially purchased, you can continue to use it indefinitely.

Best regards,
Movavi team
1 opmerkingen
haoyouyisi 18 nov 2022 om 4:46 
还有屏幕录像的时候,不支持 HDR,录制出来的色彩失真,OBS 都支持 HDR 了,希望能尽快更新支持,我最近录制视频只能使用 OBS 录制了。

There is also screen recording, does not support HDR, the recorded color distortion, OBS are supported HDR, I hope to update the support as soon as possible, I recently recorded video can only use OBS recording.