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Verfasst: 20. Aug. 2020 um 10:06
Aktualisiert: 20. Aug. 2020 um 13:21

There's no real reason to spend money on Gleamlight when even the most mediocre platformers on steam offer better content for a fraction of the price. It's clunky, poorly designed and generally a slog to play through.

It's Very sad to see a game i was looking forward to fall flat on its face like this.
There's not much to like and much to complain about, so i'll separate this into categories.

The game looks fine in screenshots, but in motion you realize the animations are very rough.
The environments look pretty good, but they tend to hide stuff they really shouldn't (enemies, switches, spikes...).

Unresponsive and clunky. Inputs will sometimes not register and some things are completely unintuitive (you can't drop through a platform unless you stand completely still). Your attacks are frustratingly slow as well.
The game overall is easy, since every attack you land regenerates some of your health instantly. It's hard to die unless you get combo'd by a bunch of enemies, which will happen in some areas.

The music is forgettable and somewhat repetitive but it fits the game's atmosphere well enough.
The sound effects, however, are weak. Enemies make little to no sound, despite being bulky machines.

You can get your first ending withing the first hour of playing. You can then replay the game in the opposite order (going from the end to the beginning) to get a second ending. Once that's over, you can delete your save file and start a sort of new game +. I assume doing this also yields new endings and likely new content, but i could not be bothered to check .
It feels kind of insulting for a nearly 20$ game to recycle its entire world and make you go through it in reverse only one hour in. That's something NES games would do, and that trend died with good reason.
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6 Kommentare
Snozzly 14. März 2021 um 22:04 
i mean, its not a good game... but nier automata does the same thing when it comes to recycling the game. So if its done right I feel like that idea could be effective
SIMΩMEGA 12. März 2021 um 5:47 
Aesthetics are not enough, you also need decent gameplay.......
MadHamster 23. Aug. 2020 um 13:20 
I mean, hey, but the art style and the world of made out of glass is kinda cool aesthetic.
jackalopehunters 21. Aug. 2020 um 5:41 
Yeah, here is another guy who bought it for Switch, what a mistake.
Kenny R. 20. Aug. 2020 um 21:14 
Oh, almost forgot, if you like games walking around in pitch dark rooms and falling into spike deaths, battling dumb as a rock enemies, slow attacks with input lag, lousy cheap looking sprites, etc., then play this game. Go ahead, have fun.
Kenny R. 20. Aug. 2020 um 21:11 
This game needs to be torn down/apart, and remade. It absolutely sucks, and I'm pissed I spent $20 on it for switch