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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.4 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 30, 2018 @ 7:28am

A slow paced game with bad English translation. Well, the translation isn't so bad that you couldn't understand what the people are trying to convey, but they could have easily asked someone in the community to fix the subtitles to have correct spelling and grammar, just to make it look a bit better.

The game doesn't tell you much, where do you come from, where are you going, why are you on the journey. You can find pieces of notes written by people throughout the adventure, and there are possibilities of eavesdropping on some conversations to get a bit more context of the setting. Only after the end game you start to be able to put the pieces together to imagine what's the story behind the game. It took me two play throughs to figure out the relationship between the two friends the story mostly follows, mostly because on the first go I managed to get the "good ending" which plays a bit differently to the two other possible endings which actually expressed a bit better the situation.

That said, the game can be played by faithfully following the story, just walking and doing as you are told. However, in many locations it might actually be worthwile to stray from the path and go explore the nearby buildings and rooms. There are the notes I mentioned, and also many secrets including puzzles, usually yielding Steam achievements for finding and solving them.

The game has light survival mechanism including medkits, food, and batteries for your flashlight. The game doesn't really instruct how to tell if you are hurt (needing medkit) or hungry (to consume food). What I found out, which I guess is quite close to the truth, is that whenever you check the notebook (which works as the inventory), there may appear some blood stains. The more blood there is, the more hurt you are, and consuming medkits and food will reduce the visible blood. Medkits have bigger effect than food. Now I am not totally sure, but it could be that the game doesn't really differentiate between health and hunger, but your health just drops slowly over time to simulate hunger, so you need to replenish it by eating.

The amount of these resources is plentiful. What I mean by this is that there aren't many of them, but unless you get hurt a lot, usually because of not noticing a trap, the scarce medkits and food supplies are more than enough to last through the game.

The inventory also tallies one-time usable items needed for some puzzles and story progression, as well as various weapons and your trusty 35 mm film camera. The melee weapons are mostly useful for unlocking doors. The pistol is not needed at all, you may optionally shoot some bad guys right after obtaining the firearm, but in any case that scene ends up in you escaping by running, which you can do even without shooting a single bullet. The only part of the game where you need to shoot is right after getting an assault rifle and you get ambushed by a pack of wild dogs, and soon followed by some scene which is purely about wasting tons of bullets.

The easiest ways to die in this game are by triggering explosive traps which you can defuse with the knife, if spotting them before tripping, and by the wild dogs. Otherwise, the game is mostly about slowly telling a story and admiring the atmosphere these indie developers managed to create. With little risk of failure. Which is good, in my opinion.

The game lasts for maybe 3 - 4 hours to play through if you explore all the locations. Subsequent runs, when you know exactly how the game plays, you can reach the end in less time, about 2 hours. And if you want to complete all the achievements, you are expected to replay the game for the different endings.
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