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1.4 hrs last two weeks / 9.2 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 19 @ 3:17pm

All of my nearly an hour of playtime was spent waiting for server capacity. Given the 2 hour window to refund a game, i'm not wasting every minute of that just to sit at a loading screen. On top of that, my audio routing system (ASIOLINKPRO) is seen as a cheat by this game's anticheat, so i can't even use it.

waste of money right now, but perhaps this review will be wrong in a month or two after some updates on their end. Til then, you should save your money.
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FuzzyBunny May 7 @ 4:55pm 
restart the game and validate the game files before you try again. i have never had to wait to play.. totally weird to hear your waiting so long to get in.