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โพสต์: 18 ส.ค. 2015 @ 5: 05pm
อัปเดต: 2 ม.ค. 2016 @ 11: 13am

SMALL UPDATE Jan 2016 - Check comments for details!

[] :
Space Engineers meets some StarMade and the exploration aspects of Shores of Hazeron.
I DON'T RECOMMEND buying this game right now, unless you're a HARDCORE FAN of sandbox and space games. I really mean that. Don't say you weren't warned.
I DO RECOMMEND watchlisting or following it if you like sandbox games in general.
If you want more details, read further to understand.

- Me and Empyrion:
I got to know Empyrion through Scott Manley's Youtube Channel 2 weeks before the Steam Early Access Release, and decided that I would most definitely give it a go.
I went through ~97% of the game - I got all the resources I need and explored (probably) everything, but didn't build a Capital Ship yet.

- The Team:
Empyrion is made by 3 indie devs. They pushed through a failed kickstarter, and here is the (early) result. They seem nice, and determined.

- This Review:
I'll first describe the game with as little personal notes as possible, and in the end I'll give my take on whatever I find necessary. This way, I save both your time and mine! :)

[] :

Your capital ship crashes on an alien planet. Left with a escape pod, you must gather resources and craft your way back to space.
Crafting, mining, building, hunting, surviving, running for your life when things go wrong. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Empyrion provides a very immersive and fresh experience for those who like survival and sandbox games.


SURVIVING is your first priority and your constant goal in Empyrion. You must find Water to generate Oxygen, hunt, scavange or forage for food, and find Promethium Ore to make Fuel to power all your operations!

MINING is crucial. You'll need to find resource deposits and strike the earth in order to build your base, vehicles and personal items. Mining is done by equipping your drill and digging - vehicles don't mine yet.

CRAFTING and BUILDING is a main part of the game. Much like Space Engineers, every final item is comprised of components which you must craft first. Removing a block will return its components, so remember to bring your Removal Tool to rip those expensive components from ships and bases you find in your expeditions!
Building your base is straightforward, and can end up looking pretty nice.

VEHICLES are critical for survival, exploration and progress. You can build a hovering Ground Vehicle, Small Vessels for interplanetary and atmospheric flights (as well as small-scale combat and raids), or Capital Vessels for (not yet implemented) intergalatic travel and serious combat operations.

COMBAT can happen on ground or in space. You can also be inside a ship or on foot, which makes things great: what if you leave your ship, but get flanked or surprised by the enemy?
You can also hunt wildlife for food and resources.

The EXPLORATION vibe is definitely there. Even on initial release, you can't help but wonder what awaits you when you look at the night sky - or when seeing a weird building from a distance when you're still a survivor with just a escape pod. Maybe you could cannibalize or take over whatever that thing is, and turn it against your enemies (or against the unsuspecting wildlife)?
It's something I was looking forward in a survival sandbox space game for ages.


GRAPHICS: Very good for an indie game, but could definitely look better. Yet, I wasn't bothered by it.

SOUND: Decent, but needs mastering, attention and variety - which are probably planned.

INTERFACE: Simple and straightforward, if you have played any similar games you'll be ready to go in minutes. The lack of a tutorial or proper in-game instructions WILL make things harder and more tiresome for non-hardcore fans. Be ready.

GAMEPLAY: Survive, mine, craft, build, fly. The gameplay and progression already feels nice, and the game doesn't take you by the hand. You're free to do whatever, whenever, however you decide.

BUGS AND ISSUES: There was a big number of release issues and bugs, some people even had their savegames corrupted or fallen out of the world. I didn't experience anything gamebreaking like that, but there's a lot of minor things that can get on the way of your fun. Still, it feels more polished than many Early Access titles I've played.


= Positive:
- Regarding GAMEPLAY: Even though story and quests/missions are planned, I love how YOU choose where to go.
There's an obvious way to go about things ("now I need X ore that's only available on Y planet in order to build Z item"), but you can ignore that and end up getting end-game gear by your own means and creativity. I REALLY hope this doesn't change with development.

- Random, non-scripted "events": Sometimes, circumstance might surprise you. You might be distracted and hear a weird noise, and a squad of drones are coming for you..and you forgot to craft a better gun and more ammo. This sort of stuff is what could potentially make Empyrion the best space sandbox out there, but it only happened one time..and I was probably lucky.

- Currently, I believe food and oxygen requirement is well balanced: you won't have to run every 5 minutes back to base, but if you neglect your needs you might find yourself in deep trouble. Which is always fun.

- The game has a good selection (for an Alpha) of weapons. Choices for personal weapons include Assault Rifle, Sniper, Rocket Launcher and Laser Rifle, and ships have both (automatic/manual) Turrets and fixed weapons like the Gatling Gun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Cannon or Rail Gun.

= Negative:
- The Unknown: There's a LOT of work to be done before it makes sense to buy and play this game. How commited is the team? What is the roadmap and milestones? Will the annoying stuff ever get fixed? There's a lot of questions like these, which are critical for EA titles to answer first.

- Annoying bugs/half-made features: Crafting takes a LOT (and I mean, A LOT) of time and requires you to manually craft EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT. Removing blocks take AGES. Mouse-wheel doesn't work. Flight model feels bad. And so on, and so forth. This makes playing the game rather painfully after the first hour or so. Is player convenience a priority?

- Space-Flight and Space-Combat must be redone from scratch. Both as an astrounaut or in a Small Ship, space-flight is terrible and space combat is insanely bad. Getting near an enemy in space will break your controls and make you lag and wonder what happened.

- Community, Hype and Fanboying: This kills games. I've seen criticism be bashed simply due to hype or 'fandom'. There's a real HUGE amount of things to be done and fixed, and dodging/dismissing feedback and criticism is not the way to go. I didn't see much developer interaction (on Steam forums), and I hope people get more of it.

The core concept and gameplay from this Early Access title definitely deserves to be noted and followed, but it doesn't make sense to buy it yet - unless you're really, REALLY into it.
People who played the very first moments (before building an actual base, vehicles, and getting to space) loved it - and I did too. But after these ~2 first hours, the current state of the game presents itself.

There's A LOT of work to be done in Empyrion, more than people seem think or talk about. There's many critical issues to be fixed or developed, and it's still unknown wether the ACTUAL content (planned storyline and progression) will make any sense. There's no human/alien 'sentient' NPCs or any trace of a story/quest system, and the space part of the game is really terrible and not developed at all. This is why I can't recommend you to jump head-first into it.

Therefore, put your expectations in line, take a deep breath, and make your choice.
Thanks for reading! :)
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44 ความเห็น
Rust 17 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 1: 51am 
They basically just added the entire content of No Man's Sky and you're saying the game is dead? WTF are you even on about. How are the devs not transparent? Have you read their change logs? You're literally just malding for no reason and it's kinda cringe.
Gabeux 16 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 4: 54pm 
neko-chan 16 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 4: 48pm 
I also beg to differ, devs should be telling us their roadmap and milestones to keep us informed and to make sure he sticks to his/their claims. I sure as heck am sick to the back teeth buying dead on arrival EA titles for which there are far too many. I dont expect you to understand, because its clear by your tone your a fan of this game, and wont hear anything bad about it..but the bottom line 5+ years and nowhere near completion. So what it has only 2/3 devs, its no excuse at all. there are single devs who have created bigger and more elaborate titles and released well inside a couple of years!
neko-chan 16 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 4: 43pm 
i dont need to adjust anything, this game has been in development 5 years. they are just as far from finishing and releasing it as they where 3+ years ago. There are devs out there who are on their own, with far bigger projects and yet still released them and had the decency of keeping people informed. You can have your token bug fixes and tweaks, but the fact remains that 5 years later this game is far from complete and further more to charge £11.99 is out right legal digital theft. Steam should take responsibility for companies that are legally stealing money from people by creating under baked potatoes. Like other gamers I couldnt care less how nice some devs are..the fact remains that this game will never release, the developer doesnt need to release knowing he can continue to get away with selling games in this state.
Gabeux 16 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 4: 22pm 
Tbh, I'm an 'spare-time gamedev' nowadays (I wasn't back when this was first written), and I have been working on my game for 1 year with a couple other people. We just know it's far from being finished.

Empyrion is developed by a team of 2 or 3 people too, has a huge scope, and is 3D. Isn't too far from me from the realities of gamedev. Tbh, they are one of the best teams and projects out there, constantly either talking about, showing, or releasing new stuff.

So I wholly disagree with your opinion there. I may not agree with the order they decide to work on stuff, but they clearly put in the work hours.
Besides, your arguments are very weird given just the past few days they put out 3 patches filled with fixes or tweaks, as well as a new major version.

Maybe you should adjust your expectations a bit, or think more deeply about what game development entails before labelling hardworking people and their projects like that.
neko-chan 16 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 2: 14pm 
stay clear of this title, there are hundreds of dead EA ttiles and valve should be taking responsibility and preventing said games from being sold when its clear the game is dead. The fact the game might get a little tinkering here and there every few years is not the sign the game is still alive...if it was still alive it would be out of EA. Please avoid at all costs, this is a clear cash grab for a half baked potato
neko-chan 16 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 2: 12pm 
nearly 4+ years on from this comment and the game is still EA? that more than enough speaks volumes on whether one should or should not buy it. It is currently on sale for £5.99, for a game that should have all you described and implemented. It is clear your correct about the fanbois. The devs should have outlined their roadmap and aims to the general public who might be interested in buying this game, but they still haven't. It's upto them of course, but I personally wouldn't go near a game where the dev hides behind a wall and refuses to tell us whats in store and what the milestones of development are.
Rust 17 พ.ย. 2017 @ 10: 18pm 
You could update it, that would be nice.
You are on the front page review wise, you have to take SOME resposibility and update it or else you can turn away potential buyers to an otherwise very good game that doesn't have any of these problems today.
Gabeux 17 พ.ย. 2017 @ 9: 00pm 
Did you check the date of the review before writing the comment?
Devs heard the feedback and that's no longer an issue. The game's development is going very well, and the game is very fun and stable.
Rust 17 พ.ย. 2017 @ 7: 06pm 
There IS automated crafting, it is a mid game item in no way is it *THAT* hard to make one. Your problem is that you have not a CV therefore you miss alot of content, wait before a review?