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1 person found this review helpful
915.6 hrs on record (915.6 hrs at review time)
Hands down the best counter-strike ever released.

The only thing that game lacks is a CS:GO like matchmaking system. If that were implemented I would happily ditch CS:GO in a heartbeat.

Sadly, VALVE really killed CS:S in many ways. In recent years, the community has gotten way smaller than when it was at its prime.
Posted November 28, 2022.
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96.6 hrs on record (91.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The minimalistic game idea might be somewhat okay but execution is horrid. Game is a pure grind fest, to reach max levels you need to sit for days killing same 3 mobs in the map. There's no storyline at all, quests are very limited and pretty much identical to each other (kill x mobs or get x items). Craft and class system is primitive and there basically no usable abilities.

Player base is pretty much non-existent as well so.... it's just a boring right-click game, would not recommend it to anyone.
Posted December 12, 2019. Last edited December 12, 2019.
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2.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Way better than any other copycat autobattler.
Posted November 29, 2019.
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9.8 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
I thought this game might be worth buying due to the minimalistic value but you have no idea how wrong I was.....
This game is beyond awful... Not even worth the price it asks and that's for sure...... It explains why there basically are no English reviews...There are way better games oriented to the aim training like for example Aimtastic which is free by the way...

Let's talk about the game UI. The score and dot counter are barely visible(text is being rendered in black and ugly font while the background is dark grey). There no options to adjust any of the colours either.

The UI elements fall in the clickable area, which means that dots might and will appear under anything including the score which would make them hard to see. If you play on pro mode the dots are so small that you would not see them at all if they accidentally spawned under the score text.

There no option to turn off the click sound even though you can turn off the music sound. Wtf?
There's no option to select resolution if you play on full screen. So if you don't play with a native resolution this game isn't for you.
There is no option for customized sensitivity and raw mouse input. This is self-explanatory. This option should be in every aim training type of game. Other games even have presets that adjusts to the game-specific sensitivity values. For example, If you train for CS:GO you would want to use your CS:GO sensitivity settings in this game as well, right?

And the list of me complaining could go on...

Btw, I found at least two bugs in couple minutes of my gameplay. The ones that caught my attention:
A half-cut dots may spawn in the edge of the game window, plus sometimes they glitch out and can't be clicked.
After finishing the stage the last dot may fail to clear off the screen and will stay until you re-click or restart the practice.

My personal opinion... DO NOT BUY THIS. A waste of money!
Maybe it will improve in the long run but I highly doubt it. It feels like someone played with a game maker for 10 minutes and decided to upload this game to the steam cuz yolo and cuz why not milk some cash.

Posted May 15, 2018.
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102.6 hrs on record (38.6 hrs at review time)
The old version of the game was pretty dope back at 2014-2015. The only con at that time is that there was only one official map and that there were no tools to make more.

I thought of playing some old and good Unturned but now the game is unrecognizable and in a bad way.
Now I would say that it's just a content overcrowded garbage. Meh.
Posted April 6, 2018.
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13 people found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
How I'm supposed to write a review when I can't even get past main menu since there's no single working server or an option to host one for yourself? There's only one official server, which throws an error if you attempt to connect.
Don't ever buy this garbage, cause game is literally unplayable....
Posted January 25, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.0 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Until they implement something like VAC don't even bother with this game.
Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time I go the the server there's at least one cheater in my or enemy team and worst part that you can't even kick them. Apperently there's a flag system that you could vote on, but srsly how many hours or days he will be hacking until those flags will be acounted? And even if that ♥♥♥♥ will get banned he will be back in 5 seconds with a new steam account, since it's free to play.

Devs at least add a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kick option, you must clearly autistic.....
Another option is to make a game non free to play, like at least 5$ or something.
Other than problem with hackers, game has some potential.
Posted January 5, 2018.
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20 people found this review helpful
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1,709.8 hrs on record (299.3 hrs at review time)
I never liked this game, nor I do now. I remember someone showing me CS:1.6 back in its golden days when it was the only counter strike available at the time, and I told him that I would never play such BS. Well, I kinda kept my promise, at least until CS:S came out... Anyway, only a 1.6 veteran can play this garbage or a person that likes self-torture.

Reasons why you shouldn't buy or play this game:
  • 99% percent of community servers aren't English. That's self explanatory.
  • 99% of community servers are actually cracked by using dproto, which lets non-legit users to connect. To find a steam only server is the same as finding a rare gem, I am not kidding.
  • 100% of non-steam players can't get VAC banned. You know what it means.... Oh yeah, cheaters!!!!
  • 100% of non-steam players can also ditch server-based bans too. All they have to do is use a steam id changer and bang, they are back with their hacks.
  • 100% of non-steam players can and will steal your bought privileges or admin rights by changing their steamid to the one that matches yours, which is an identity theft. If they end up getting banned while using your id, well, you will be banned as well.
  • 99% percent of the player base of cracked servers is non-steamers. Once again, good luck with playing against their hacks.
  • Hit boxes in this game turn out to be quite buggy, especially while planting, crouching or using ladders. Have you ever shot an AFK terrorist right in their forehead but didn't do any damage. Well, welcome to "cs1.trash".
  • 99% of community servers will alter your config or HUD files in one way or another, and obviously without your permission. Why? Because they simply can, which should not be a case. Don't be surprised that after visiting some fishy server, you would end up with a bunch of key binds that redirects you to various servers or spams advertisement messages in the game chat.
  • 50% of servers use redirect loops in order to get all players on a different server. Ever had a case when you tried to join the NA server, but ended up in some Brazilian one? This is how redirect loop works. They host some fake server, with fake online in the different region of their original server, and once a player joins the fake server he gets instantly transferred anywhere they programmed. That's just pathetic to boost your online that way. It's just like ordering pizza, but getting a hamburger in the return. Would you be happy? No.
  • 99% of Eastern servers offers a free VIP for girl gamers that use a microphone. The owners of these servers must be horny af... Sexism at it's finest.
Posted December 9, 2017.
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6.2 hrs on record
No, No, just no. You do mission for 40 mins then some random wolf comes in and slaugthers the villager, the whole missions fails. Ima delete this dogshite ♥♥♥♥♥ cykablyat balalaika game with pleasure.
Posted October 22, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
47.0 hrs on record (27.3 hrs at review time)
Garbage, and a pure one.
Posted April 2, 2017.
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