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12.1 godz. w ciągu ost. 2 tyg. / 2,650.8 godz. łącznie (691.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Zamieszczono 23 czerwca 2018 o 3:06
Zaktualizowano 7 października 2023 o 8:52

Counter-Strike 2 is a complete disappointment for me. The game has been literally turned into a Valorant 2.0 clone with their 13 round limit and completely random bullet sprays. I genuinely hoped that CS2 would be an upgraded version of CS:GO in what counted as graphics, optimization and majorly the 128-tick servers that we should've gotten instead of this horse crap feature called "sub-tick".

I gotta give them props, they did a well job optimizing the game for lower-end specs (such as mine, which is a 2016/2017-ish spec) - but the game is just completely unlikable in its current state. Not to mention that cl_bob no longer exists, spray patterns are also removed and they're forcefully limiting ALL servers to run at 64-ticks - which is such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ move from such a big company that can literally afford servers of 128-ticks in any region they wish.

As for the 13-round limit that has been placed - I really do not understand why we need to limit it even if a CS match takes longer than, say as an example, a football match. I myself genuinely couldn't give a ♥♥♥♥ if it was longer by 30 minutes or one hour - it felt more thrilling and the teams had much more opportunities to make a comeback or make plays of the day, week, year and so on.

It was more fun back then, now it's just completely ruined.
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