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지난 2주간 2.2시간 / 기록상 182.6시간 (평가 당시 50.1시간)
게시 일시: 2022년 12월 4일 오후 4시 45분

Countless gameplay ruining bugs, performance issues, baffling gameplay design decisions, lack of features promised in marketing and promotional material as well as an INTENTIONAL lack of basic features fundamentally core to every co-op game (private lobbies, primarily) keep this game rooted firmly in a shallow grave.
Shame too, the gameplay is really fun when the AI Director isn't actively bullying you by spawning hordes with crushers and bulwarks and maulers directly on your head while spamming disabler units on you.

Pass on it for a year or so, wait until a deep discount of 50% at the least as well, wait until they actually finish their game.
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