Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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9 van de 20 (45%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties


Eat the Cherry that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!
Ontgrendeld op 3 jul 2017 om 9:43


Eat the Strawberry that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!
Ontgrendeld op 3 jul 2017 om 9:44


Eat the Orange that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!
Ontgrendeld op 5 jul 2017 om 8:35


Eat the Pretzel that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!
Ontgrendeld op 30 apr 2023 om 22:09


Eat the Apple that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2023 om 1:26

Clean Your Plate

Eat every fruit that appears for 3 Rounds in a row!
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2023 om 1:25

All Ghosts

Eat all four ghosts in succession after eating a Power Pellet!
Ontgrendeld op 3 jul 2017 om 9:43

Om Nom Nom x2

Eat all four ghosts in succession twice in a single round!
Ontgrendeld op 7 apr 2019 om 7:51

Round 2 Cleared

Clear round 2!
Ontgrendeld op 5 jul 2017 om 8:35


Eat the Pear that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!


Eat the Banana that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots!


Eat 2 fruits and all four ghosts in succession four times in a single round!

Om Nom Nom x3

Eat all four ghosts in succession three times in a single round!

Om Nom Nom x4

Eat all four ghosts in succession four times in a single round!

Picky Eater

Clear 3 Rounds in a row without eating a single ghost and without losing a life!

No Warps

Clear 2 Rounds in a row without passing through a Warp Tunnel and without losing a life!

Round 5 Cleared

Clear round 5!

Round 9 Cleared

Clear round 9!

Round 13 Cleared

Clear round 13!

Round 17 Cleared

Clear round 17!