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35.6 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 5,207.6 uur in totaal (478.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 6 jul 2022 om 23:06

The most expansive Idle Game I can think of.

It's got the following:

Positives (+):
+ Huge amount of "progression" with many little features
+ Somewhat decent art for an idle game
+ Best played when you have nothing to do, or want to feel like you wish to make progress.
+ Titans (after boss 58) appear! These are "major boss fights" in Adventure Mode.

Neutral (/):
/ I hate the developer. (This statement only applies to Troll Challenges )
/ You may need lots of Arbritary Points (AP) to purchase a lot of "consumables" and "permanent upgrades"
/ All gear sets require lots of idling, including Titan sets. Be ready for a long wait!

Negative (-)
- Do not minimize this game, this causes you to use way more PC specs (not sure why)
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