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1.4 hrs last two weeks / 77.3 hrs on record (73.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: May 6 @ 7:23am

I almost never write reviews for games, but I was going to make an exception for HD2 when the Sony controversy happened. Naturally I was going to leave a bad review, but since the community of this game (one of the best RP community I have ever seen) was so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ badass in spreading democracy that they made Sony back down, might as well just give a honest one.
HD2 is an extremely fun game, having played the first one for a bit years ago, it has improved in every single aspect. The gameplay is fantastic, the progression rewarding, the live aspect of the game is implemented in a perfect way, having the developers involved with the players rather than just pushing updates with FOMO and microtransactions attached to it.
It is truly a unique game, but nothing is ever perfect, it do has some very serious game breaking bugs, the devs do fix (most of them) every week but they appear again from time to time. That is my only gripe with this game.
Overall 9/10 experience, should buy.
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