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Publicada: 9/jul./2014 às 10:57
Atualizada: 30/nov./2019 às 14:13

I didn't know what to expect with this game. At first I thought it was just some RPG maker game but I was wrong. Apparently this started on kickstarter and somehow made it's way on steam.

Anyway, this game mainly reminds me of Megaman and Castlevania. They seem to follow every old school video game rule. Such as stupid curved projectiles, enemies respawning when you come back from the last screen, getting knocked back from getting hit by enemies, falling platforms, plus alot more.

The story isn't that deep at all, just the Shovel Knight trying to save his friend, Shield Knight, and that's it. But, what this character goes through to save his friend is what seems to make their bond somewhat strong, even though they don't interact in the game much at all. That bond made me want to keep playing the game. You know Shield Knight is important to him and his will to go on no matter who gets in his way is what attracted me to Shovel Knight as a character.

The levels are creative and the bosses are great to beat. Even though I beat this game in about 8 hours, I felt very acomplished from playing it, and I haven't felt like that from a video game in a very long time. There's alot of extra things to do in the game and I think there's a new game plus also.

This game gave me a good amount of frustration. Not too much to make me quit, but not too little to make me think I can play this game with my eyes closed.

Shovel Knight seems more like a tribute game to Castlevania and Megaman, but has it's own characters and story. I really loved it because I really loved those games. Even if you never played those games, this game is a good example of how fun those games were for kids of that time period.

This game is awesomly amazing and you should buy it whenever you get the chance.
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