THE REAL BARACCO B.   Washington, United States
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Dear Steam profile visitors,
I want to tell you why I think trade deals and our willingness to go out there and compete on the global stage is so important...
                                                                        Trade Link

...Before I came out here, I had a chance to meet with some small business owners from across Oregon, whose workers make everything from bikes to tea to stationery to wine. And they know how important this is to them. Sometimes when we talk about trade, we think of Nike, or we think of Boeing, or we think of G.E. -- we think about these big multinational companies. But those small business leaders came here today because they understood that these markets outside the United States will help them grow, and will help them hire more folks -- just as all the suppliers to Nike or Boeing or G.E. or any of these other companies understand this is going to be critical to their growth and their ability to create new jobs.

In fact, that’s why Ron Wyden is not here - because he’s in Washington, D.C. as we speak quarterbacking this effort on behalf of Oregon’s small business owners and workers.

Now, small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Eventually, like Nike, they grow sometimes into really, really big companies. They employ millions of people; 98 percent of exporters are small businesses. They’re the ones who make Made in Oregon and Made in the USA mean something. And they represent something essential about this country - the notion that if you’ve got a good idea and you’re willing to work at it, you can turn that idea into a business, you can growth that business, and eventually, who knows what might happen. You can give other people a chance to earn a living even as you do well.

:starsandstripes: That’s America’s promise. And it’s up to us to keep that promise alive. :starsandstripes:
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Nara Jun 4 @ 7:42am 
Let's boost our rankings!
Fussel_Fan_HorstDominik Apr 13 @ 6:28pm 
if we had known we would have given you your adept by nurse
TheBlueJerome Apr 3 @ 4:11am 
dodaj prosze, mam pytanie
THE SUSPECT Feb 13 @ 8:22pm 
+repp broo
bonified kiwi Jan 28 @ 7:50am 
+rep real
Herkkupeppu Jan 17 @ 8:51am 
+rep cute oni