Hi! If you're here to say thanks, please consider doing so in my trading post . It will bump it and help me make more trades. You can also send me a trade offer if you'd like. Thank you! :butterfly:
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
I have over 3,500 cards up for trade and you are welcome to send me a trade offer for any of them.

I am willing to swap cards 1:1 within the same set as long as I don't end up with more duplicates. All 1:1 STM Quick Match [] trades are also accepted (include a note about STM).

I can also trade cards across different sets. Bear in mind that I don't always accept 1:1 offers in this case. Feel free to offer random cards, even if I have no other cards from that set. If I decline an offer you are welcome to send another.

I'd be grateful if you could leave a comment in my trading post after a successful trade or after sending an offer. It will bump the post and help me make more trades. Thanks! :butterfly:
Cpt.AngelofDeath Dec 31, 2022 @ 9:56am 
HAPPY :TakeMe: NEW YEAR :2015holly: :mbspark: 2023 :mbspark:
Cpt.AngelofDeath Dec 30, 2021 @ 11:29am 
:phoenixheart:Happy new year :2015holly: 20:healthvial:22 :2015holly: :fireflies::fireflies::fireflies::goldenfaerie:
Danipips The Stunned Panda Aug 5, 2020 @ 10:42pm 
That time of the year where I come to check if you are ok. Pandemic Edition :health:
Danipips The Stunned Panda Jun 22, 2019 @ 10:31pm 
That time of the year where I come to check if you are ok
Sojiro Oct 9, 2018 @ 7:41am 
I hope you are doing well, wherever you are now.
Tim ツ May 5, 2017 @ 8:31pm 
you good homie? you just kinda vanished. hope you're ok bud.