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Publisert: 7. feb. 2019 kl. 9.22
Oppdatert: 25. feb. 2019 kl. 10.49

edit: byebye 100% positive reviews for this quick-buck-grabbing-scheme

edit(2): looks like the devs have listened to me and put in more stuff, you're all welcome, though its still not enough for a DLC

14.99€ for several plates of gold? (probably not even gold but brass or something knowing this greedy and lazy company)
A DLC should add more monsters and weapons not a skin that doesn't do anything.... -_-

And how about u FINISH THE GAME before adding DLCs (the basegame [which is good unlike this scam] is Early Access btw)

Do NOT buy
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87 kommentarer
/fr 30.06 10. apr. 2023 kl. 3.22 
Are you serious?

"Important note:
By buying this DLC you are first of all showing your support to the game and to us, the developers. The bling-bling in the list above is just icing on the cake!"

This is not a content DLC, this is just to support the developers and their hard work and time they put into this game.

Can't you read, or why are you so mad about this?
The developers are awesome and put a lot of hard work and love into this game.

You don't have to support them, but then don't buy the DLC and cry like a illiterate baby.

Seriously, this is exactly what is going wrong with our world. :angrysal:
CaliberPlex 5. mars 2023 kl. 2.37 
Doesn't change the fact that you're a troll, and thus your opinion is irrelevant :steamthumbsup:
Liko 4. mars 2023 kl. 20.12 
biannual reminder that they havent finished the game and they started robbing customers with battle passes now
CaliberPlex 4. mars 2023 kl. 18.00 
Bi-annual reminder that you're an asshole :sans:
Lobotomy Gaming 19. feb. 2022 kl. 15.48 
It literally says at the bottom of the description that buying this is to show support and that the cosmetics and special treatments with it are just the cherry on top, you drumstick.
redmal123456789 10. feb. 2022 kl. 10.26 
Chogus 15. jan. 2022 kl. 1.24 
So many paid twats angry that he is just telling the truth. This is cash grab scam dlc
Shaggys105 12. sep. 2021 kl. 15.20 
you only posted this review to ruin the 100% positive rate. asshole.
CaliberPlex 25. apr. 2021 kl. 20.47 
I say this with the purest of intentions: fuck off and go back to playing Fortnite, jackass.
CaliberPlex 25. apr. 2021 kl. 20.47 
idk why tf I'm still annoyed by this review. At least now the very minute amount of negative reviews on this dlc actually make sense; this one was, and still is, just petty bullshit nitpicking about how the dlc titled "SUPPORTER UPGRADE" doesn't have new features. All of the content in this game is free. The dlcs are just for shits-and-giggles and don't add anything significant to the game.

Thats not what kind of game Deep Rock Galactic is. Even early on when this came out GSG made it very apparent that they wanted any dlcs they created in the future to not revolve around paywalls and just be to support GSG and get some neato cosmetics. If you can't get that through that tiny brain of yours then you don't need to be shitting on this great community with your toxic behavior (and yes I know how ironic that is coming from this toxic comment). I don't care that he's a troll, I'm still pissed about this.