Greg Baumbach   United States
Just another boring (ancient) adult gamer. Just ask my (now adult) kids.
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253 Hours played
This game is all about the special moments. Take my Mountain Man achievement. Start a hard game in the mountains, severe weather, the works...and start setting up Pinstar's Crossroads Build as fast as I can. But oh noes, old man winter shows up early, before any houses are finished. Very quickly, my colonists start dying of exposure as I force them to finish the housing.

It's looking like I'm going to have a majestic ghost town in another 30 seconds, but the last three colonists finish the first house, and I quickly clear all building tasks so they can recover in the house. On their way to the house, two of the three die. I have one colonist left--a 22 year old woman by the name of Hannah. Well, Hannah, we're going to survive, and we're going to finish this town, and then you can die.

So we do.

Except that, four years later, Hannah has a kid. And then another. And then another. And hope starts to swell that maybe we're not completely dead.

Hannah and her brood become the foundation of the colony, and we have a wonderful town of inbreds 60 years later. We're just starting to lay down blueprints for our first major expansion, when I suddenly get notified of a death of a child, then another in quick succession. WTH? I race my view back to the town, and OMG a twister is obliterating the schoolhouse!

It then carves a path right through the center of town, and my town of I dunno, 70 is now a town of 20 with NO CHILDREN left. Curse you Red Baron!

But we persevere, and eventually this becomes a town of 500. In the mountains. With crappy weather and evil tornadoes.

And that, my friends, is why this game is awesome. 10/10, would inbreed again.
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DragonIV Feb 5, 2019 @ 10:30am 
moxie Feb 1, 2019 @ 9:07am 
-rep, drives gt instead of regular dominus