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yhteensä 70.7 tuntia
V Rising was an enjoyable little romp into the survival adventure craft. Its got its issues but it’s a generally well made game with lots of charm, good controls, good sound and fun gameplay.

The fantasy of being a Castlevania-esq vampire attempting to reclaim former glory is sold well. The leveling system isn’t great being that its exclusively locked behind equipment and the progression being primarily bound behind boss kills doesn’t feel great either. Combat is fine, bit MMO grindy with mobs in the world feeling like mostly inconsequential ‘trash’ mobs and only the boss creatures requiring any real brain power. Its got an end game grind to collect special currency you use to acquire the best gear but we got though the entire game sans the final boss without doing that final grind so take it as you will.

My group played PvE exclusively and had a fun time with it. No idea if the PvP aspect adds or takes away anything from the game but as PvE only, it was still a fun jaunt.

Base building is one of its strongest points. I loved creating an environment that really feels like a towering vampire domain and, aside from having some of the building pieces locked behind later levels so you have to rebuild cosmetics later, I very much enjoyed the base building aspect. Oh, and you cant build sub-levels which feels like a giant missed opportunity. Really wanted an underground basement >.>

Certainly an easy buy if you and/or a couple friends want a well crafted survival adventure craft game centered around the vampire mythos.
Julkaistu 21. syyskuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 4.0 tuntia
Above Snakes is an interesting little game. I’m not sure what to think about the game but, after 4 hours, I’ve no draw or desire to go back so I feel like that warrants the downvote. To be clear, its not at all a bad game and this isn’t really a negative review so much as I found it very hard to get into. You wouldn’t be remiss if you just want to try a very chill, relaxed survival games with a couple unique angles.

Its pretty, functional, has an interesting enough story line, is easy to understand and easy to play.

Sadly it didn’t have a very interesting hook for me. I didn’t get very far in but, really, every time I went back to my library with an opportunity to give it another go, I found myself gravitating away to something else over and over again. The UI is a little clunky and controls for both keyboard and controller aren’t ‘perfect’.

The story didn’t draw me in, the gameplay didn’t draw me in and the survival craft didn’t draw me in so have to sideline this one.
Julkaistu 17. syyskuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 28.5 tuntia (27.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Good fun metroidvania puzzle game. Controls well, sound design is good, puzzles are fun. Played it with my partner and had a grand time discovering things together.

I think my biggest issue with the game is that its got ARG puzzles that aren’t well defined and are simply too complex for a single individual playing the game normally to figure out. We tried our best to play the game entirely on or own but there were plenty of mysteries lying around the world that a single individual would never be able to figure out on their own. So it was only after a couple hours wandering around desperately trying to figure them out that we defeatedly had to look the solutions up online.

I don’t mind games having these sorts of community driven puzzles but I would have preferred things like the hidden bunnies to be like New Game+ only content or otherwise inaccessible until after completing the 'standard' game ending. Finding a couple of the secrets on our own led us to believe the rest of them could be found through regular gameplay and then coming to the realization that we just have to look up the solution felt bad.

So to the 5 or so people who might read this review before purchasing, know that there are elements to the game you will not be able to reasonably solve on your own =P

Otherwise no complaints with the game, its Overwhelmingly Positive rating is well deserved.
Julkaistu 2. elokuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 14.8 tuntia
Dungeons of Aether is a fun little puzzle game. Not anything to write home about but a pleasant little game to spend a dozen hours chewing through. The game has a lot of charm- a little over the top with the simplest of plots but the gameplay is interesting and has enough variety at the start to provide.

It does get a bit repetitive by the time you've played all of the available characters since the game doesn't change much throughout its play length.

The game music is fine but it’s a little short and repetitive so I ended up muting it, however the voiceover is also linked to the same slider for some reason so I wasn’t able to listen to the conversations.

Additionally the final fight on story mode was overly complicated and very difficult to understand. Even having won the fight, I'm not sure I could tell you how it actually works.

Still, for $15 or less, certainly worth a try if puzzly RPG-lite games are your jam.
Julkaistu 23. heinäkuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 76.5 tuntia
Surviving the Aftermath is a pretty standard city builder. The genre sprawls a lot so whether this one will do it for you or not is hard to say. I did a single playthrough over about 70 hours on 75% difficulty with its three content DLC. The startup gives you a lot of customization options for difficulty which is nice.

The good:
- Easy navigation of the space
- Minimal minutia; you don’t need to worry about separate layers for pipes or anything, you set something up, its there and done.
- Good sound design
- Good art design
- Lots of content and events to keep you interested for a long time. I spent 90% of my play time on normal speed since there was regularly something to do, take care of or improve and only once I was basically at the end did I just want time to speed by to complete goals (more on that below).
- Lots of meaningful choices

The not so good:
- The game is split into colony view and a sort of overworld map view. The overworld feels a little out of place but is a necessary component to the game so you'll be regularly pausing what feels like the 'main game' to jump into this, like, side quest management map. I had a bit of a bell curve with it where I disliked it in the beginning, found it interesting in the middle and then got tired of it again near the end of the game.
- The game drags on a bit too long. About 30 hours in, once the colony was fully stable and self-sufficient, everything after was more akin to just going through the motions. Plenty of choices and touch and go situations up to that point felt good but once I could reliably produce or trade for everything the colony needed, there was nothing that posed a threat or challenge. After that it was just a bit of fun cleaning up and 'beautifying' the town while waiting for the completion percentages to go up.
- The vehicle mechanic is not at all well explained. You can get and find vehicles before you have a garage building but if you bring them back to your colony, they just 'disappear' with no indication of what to do or why. They feel like one time use items until you get the garage building. They have a 'durability' stat that depletes as you use them but is 'repaired' with fuel(?) instead of just having a fuel stat. And to get someone out of a car, you click on the vehicle to cycle through each person in the vehicle you want to take out BUT you can't right click on an activity in the world to have them get out and go directly to it, you have to click somewhere else and then select the activity. Its all just not very well thought out.
- The alliance system is a little clunky. If you explore the world and find other colonies, they'll ask you for things you can't possibly have access to until mid to late game and failing those requests reduces your reputation for some reason. So, the best thing to do is just let all of the first requests time out and not clear them so you don’t get new requests and just wait until you've unlocked all of the alliance-specific research before clearing one or two to take on a few requests at a time (so you don’t over tax your own resources trying to fulfill their request). If the game didn’t punish you for not fulfilling the request it'd be a different story. But, as it is, it's just very game-y and feels bad at the start.

Still. I thoroughly enjoyed a good 50 hours of gameplay. I don’t think I'll do another run as I don’t feel it being harder would make it any more satisfying but, even still, well worth the price IMO.
Julkaistu 6. heinäkuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 5.9 tuntia
Book 2 was more of the same; pretty environments, clean controls and a fun story. Its got a couple small issues like the forced weapon swapping being bit annoying just to use their powers and last level being a bit difficult to parse but overall it’s a fine addition to the story line.

The final fight felt a bit underwhelming and the collectables, while neat, didn’t really feel impactful. Like it was just a thing to do for the sake of doing and would have been more interesting if it had some sort of impact on the story or gameplay. Its also very short, like 4-5 hours for a $20 game is a bit much when there's legitimately nothing else to do.

Still, if you have a headset and like story driven singe player experiences, Moss2 pulls it off with every bit as much pleasantness as the first.
Julkaistu 6. heinäkuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 85.9 tuntia
Hydroneer is an interesting though finnicky game that lacks a solid direction. After playing 80 hours, I am a bit disappointed in the game as a whole but I enjoyed it overall anyway so it gets a thumbs up anyway. The game has a neat gameplay loop that I would describe as Factorio/Satisfactory lite. Dig for resources by hand, get some automation going, build up and optimize and rebuild and create your own little factory process.

However, Hydroneer's biggest problem is that it has no overarching goal to work toward. You set up automation to create vast amounts of resources but you don’t really need all that much to earn more money than you could ever spend. There is something you could kinda consider the 'main quest' to finish all unique fetch requests but that didn’t create a very satisfying ending and the reward was disappointing.

Actually, I take that back; its biggest problem is the poor optimization of its vast number of entities. It doesn't take much for the number of objects in the world to chew up framerate. The game has minimal UI so almost everything in the world is represented by an individual entity in the world. This causes plenty of problems when you want to buy 300 pipes, 200 conveyer belts, 200 foundation blocks and 100 logic wires and transport them all to your dig site. Or funnel the output a half dozen mining machines into a transport pan for sale a half hour later.

Oddly, there is a solution for this already present in the game; cut produce stacks into a single entity that you can then separate at will and items you buy come from a single object you can just pull an infinite amount out of. Stacking objects automatically into 'piles' the player can take from and allowing the player to pull large quantities of items into a single 'distribution' pile for purchase would save all the frames and reduce a lot of the irritation while not at all breaking any established immersion.

Vehicles have warthog levels of jank but are missing a lot of the 'fun' that comes with driving wild. Guild tokens are not very fun to acquire, imbalanced in their value and annoying to manage. And fishing is really boring while being borderline required to do for hundreds of casts.

There is a much longer list of things that are irritating or wrong, with more than one CTD too. But I still found the game interesting to play and optimize so it still gets a stamp of approval. If it’s a game that looks interesting to you too, it probably will be worth a purchase.
Julkaistu 29. toukokuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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yhteensä 9.3 tuntia
Arizona Sunshine 2 is a fine sequel to its predecessor. I co-op played the campaign in just under 10 hours on hard and enjoyed the experience. Controls are fine, story is amusing, gunplay works well and sound design matches well.

Unfortunately it's biggest drawback is that the game is very barren. I don’t know if its just stripped down for Quest but the environments are very lacking in detail. Not distractingly so but there were several instances where the area we were in was noticeably empty with little love or detail added to make the environment feel compelling. The low frame rate, frosted glass, zombie-attack windows were the biggest distracting detail that I thought was just a buggy loaded texture or something the first time I saw it. But no, that's just the way it is.

The game also takes away your equipment on a few occasions which was particularly annoying because you're encouraged to scavenge, collect and hoard throughout the game to ensure you have enough ammunition to fight through the hoards that you'll run into. So when the game just tosses all that careful preparation out the windows multiple times, it sours its own gameplay.

The dog is a fun addition to the lone survivor formula, even if the story surrounding him is terribly off the rails.

This makes it a difficult game to recommend at its full retail price. At half-off its probably worth getting if you like zombie shooters with decent gunplay and a fun, if a bit goofy, story. If you've got some friends that want to hold out in the hoard mode for a while, you'd get your money's worth out of it I think.
Julkaistu 21. huhtikuuta Viimeksi muokattu 21. huhtikuuta.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 191.7 tuntia (118.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
As a game, Helldivers 2 is quite an enjoyable co-op experience that I have few complaints for. Multiple very different factions to fight with a variety of customizable equipment in several beautiful environments. Sound that pops, music that fits thematically and a regularly evolving game world.

It is not a perfect game though; there have been a fair number of crashes throughout my, currently, 100 hours of play time. Most of them have been non-impactful, occurring at the very end of a match and the game provides its rewards immediately upon completing the match so crashing during the outro is only a minor inconvenience. However a friend of mine crashes randomly mid-match with mild frequency so your mileage may vary.

While the music is very thematic, it also gets very repetitive after a while. The stinger music when combat breaks out has worn out its welcome by now. A few more tracks or something different for each planet would have been nice.

Progression is a bit of a mixed shotgun. Because all individuals get the medals for completed major orders, you can put the game down for a week and come back to hundreds of progress points. There's also no 'end game' so once you acquire all the upgrades there's no incentive to collect samples, medals or requestion slips which are a core collectable of the game. Would be nice to have something to do with your currency post-completion.

The kernel level anti-cheat is less than desirable and who knows how much of an impact it makes considering the cheating that still goes on but it’s a point to consider if you're looking into this game.

Overall though, its still a fun experience. Not sure who this review is for because everyone I know already has the game but, if you're looking for comments about it still, worth the buy in my opinion!
Julkaistu 21. huhtikuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
6 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 3.5 tuntia
The Room VR was a fine little jaunt into the VR puzzle room space. At 3-5 hours though, I cant recommend it at full price but, on a decent sale, its not a bad pick up. The environments are pretty cozy and puzzles range from baby mode to head scratcher.

I was disappointed that it only has teleport movement and it dose suffer from the point and click, stick your inventory items into every space you think they might go until it works, syndrome. But the story is interesting, graphically its pleasing and I enjoyed it enough to keep me coming back for 4 sessions to finish.

If you find it for a good price and like puzzle games, its not at all a bad grab.
Julkaistu 20. maaliskuuta
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