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Опубликовано: 1 мая в 10:32

A more narrative god game simulation with sandbox elements focused more on its story and challenges.

+ Fun experience
+ Decently challenging

- More story oriented

From Dust is a narrative simulation and not really a sandbox game it may seem to be, it is linear where you follow along the story and act as a godlike entity summoned to assist the tribals on their journey with your powers to influence the land. It is only in the very last stage of the game where you are given a short sandbox experience.

It is for the most part a pretty fun game that unfortunately is too focused on its linear story telling instead of being a sandbox god game. Doing the levels and following the story is a pretty fun and enjoyable experience but I believe if it leaned more to being a god game with strong sandbox gameplay with a story thrown in it would've been better.

The story follows what seem to be the last few members of a tribe that has summoned you, a somewhat godlike entity called the "Breath" that has the ability to influence the land in order to help them on their journey. It seems the tribals were once large and are spread out on many of the islands you eventually come to, as there are many totems the tribals indicate were left by the ancients presumably their ancestors who either left or died out.

Similar to other god games you have power to influence the land and change them at will in order to complete certain objectives. The difference is that your power is fairly limited and you can mostly move around elements such as water or earth that already exist, you won't be able to manifest them at will until much later in the game and after activating specific totems nor can you directly create vegetation or even animals. Most of the game is pretty much about moving things around and placing them where you need them to be like a puzzle, activating certain powers at times when you can to make things easier. Picking up things such as buildings or people are also not something you can do but you are able to command the tribals to move to certain places, usually this is for objectives such as telling them to go to a totem or the cave entrances to move on to the next island / level.
The levels can be quite challenging especially the later ones but as long as you take your time and learn the effects of each island it won't be too difficult to get through.

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