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게시 일시: 2024년 4월 26일 오전 8시 05분

A short mediocre and linear FPS that's just simple run and gun fun with an interesting premise melding mythological creatures with the real world.

+ Interesting premise
+ Simple fun

- Bugs

Legendary is a short mediocre and very linear FPS with decent gunplay but an interesting premise of mythical creatures getting released into the world. It is much more focused on the action instead of the story going for long periods at times before substantial story scenes progress. Unfortunately the game suffers from some bugs that may happen randomly.
For an FPS its alright and quite fun, the story and premise is also interesting enough and warrants giving the game a try.

It is for the most part pretty basic and not a difficult game, if you're a beginner or familiar with FPS it will be easy to pick up and play. From the start of the game you are also given, in a sense, a secondary to your primary guns for support where your hands are able to absorb life essence. This is important to heal yourself, progress some parts of the story, and also useful in fights but it does not function to directly damage enemies. Energy is abundant and spread around maps and killed enemies also provide energy so they won't be an issue at all.

Most enemies AI isn't that great so they don't pose much of a threat especially once you know what to do, some are relatively weak but continuously spawn and instead you need to find ways to stop them from spawning. These act like little puzzles to solve as some are a little out of the way, so you have to fight them off while looking for the thing to get rid of the spawn points. Similar to life energy, ammo is almost limitless as they provide so much of them everywhere you go so don't feel like you need to be precise with your shots.
There are also environmental puzzles but they are far too simple and only feel like it slows down your pace, like while you're shooting through enemies there would be a door you need to bypass and just hold "E" until it opens.

There is a story but overall its more focused on the action and you'll go long periods of shooting and running about before there are some story cutscenes.

The game really suffers from the bugs that happen very randomly. You could go through the whole game without experiencing a single problem or they're minor enough you don't notice them, or you could get some game breaking bugs that impede your progress. For example, at one point I had to get into an elevator to progress but when I entered the elevator it just moves up but leaving me behind forcing me to reload a checkpoint.

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