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17 / 21 (81%) teljesítmény elérve
Személyes teljesítmények

Home Lawn Security

Complete adventure mode
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 25., 5:42

Nobel Peas Prize

Get the golden sunflower trophy
Feloldva: 2021. ápr. 11., 12:00


Collect all 49 plants
Feloldva: 2021. ápr. 11., 18:36


Discover the top secret zombie
Feloldva: 2021. ápr. 10., 8:45

Disco is Undead

Hypnotize the lead dancer zombie
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 21., 20:23


Blow up a zombie using a potato mine
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 19., 16:02


Blow up 10 zombies with a single cherry bomb
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 19., 16:31

Ask Me About Mustache Mode

Enable Mustache Mode
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 29., 0:33

Don't Pea in the Pool

Complete a daytime pool level without using pea shooters of any kind.
Feloldva: 2021. ápr. 9., 2:20

Roll Some Heads

Bowl over 5 zombies with a single Wall-Nut.
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 25., 6:52


Defeat a normal roof level without using any catapult plants.
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 24., 20:06

Penny Pincher

Pick up 30 coins in a row on a single level without letting any disappear.
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 25., 6:46

Sunny Days

Get 8000 sun during a single level.
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 25., 6:39

Popcorn Party

Defeat 2 Gargantuars with Corn Cob missiles in a single level.
Feloldva: 2021. ápr. 11., 19:21

Good Morning

Complete a daytime level by planting only Mushrooms and Coffee Beans.
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 25., 6:11

No Fungus Among Us

Complete a nighttime level without planting any Mushrooms.
Feloldva: 2020. szept. 28., 13:30

Beyond the Grave

Beat all 20 mini games.
Feloldva: 2021. ápr. 11., 12:00

Better Off Dead

Get to a streak of 10 in I, Zombie Endless

China Shop

Get to a streak of 15 in Vasebreaker Endless


Get to 20 flags in Survival Endless

Towering Wisdom

Grow the Tree of Wisdom to 100 feet