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36 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Raiding Barbarians

Conquered Barbarians

Serving Barbarians

Wild Grues

Captured Grues

Warbred Grues

Castle of Teslagrad

City of Teslagrad

Tower of Teslagrad

Foreign nation of Angloria

Foreign nation of Mesmer

Foreign nation of Motorland

Crafting Volt Walkers

Crafting Iron Lice

Crafting Power Plants

The Guardian Fernus

The Guardian Faradeus

The Guardian Orb

Glorious Alliance

Glorious Coronation

Glorious Rule

Grand Ambition

Lone Ambition

Failed Ambition

Kings Grief

Kings Grudge

Kings Vengeance

Fathers Alertnes

Resourceful Father

Protective Father

Oleg's Grief

Oleg's Adoption

Oleg's Duty

Long for a family

Long for a savior

Long for a past