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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 300.1 hrs on record (248.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 24, 2016 @ 8:26am
Updated: Jun 19, 2017 @ 7:54am

Spellweaver is the best free CCG game that I played with gameplay similar to MtG. The inovative mechanic in Spellweaver is Divine Offering - discard a card from your hand and search the top 5 cards of your deck for a shrine card (a type of card that grants mana and draws a card or an aspect level - requirements for playing cards; some even grant skills to your hero). I personally think it's genius and on a side note makes MtG much, much better.
The business model is nice and it's pretty generous in the long run. Apart from the gold you gain from matches (even the ones against AI grant gold so it's totally feasible to only play vs a computer opponent) there are quests that grant rewards like gold, cards of certain rarity (if I remember corectly you dont receive extra copies of a card you already have 4 copies of, unless you already have all the cards in that rarity), card packs, trial tickets (mode you make a deck from random cards and complete against other players with rewards based on you number of wins achieved when you loose 3 times or win 10 times), the 12 pack box and crystals (the premium curency). You can do maximum 6 quests at a time - 1 for each faction zone. Faction zones unlock after you unlock the starter deck for that faction (you get 1 free starter every 5 levels and you can buy 1 with 40k gold). After you unlock a zone there are 4 locations with challenges that once completed will become possible quest locations and you can only take 1 quest per zone at a time. You can complete multiple quests at the same time but after you complete them new ones will be available in a zone at a time after 8h.
The items that are only available with crystals are card backs, boxes of packs, premium packs (gives the same cards as a normal pack but doesn't give duplicates unless you have 4 copies of each card in a rarity), foil packs (gives foil version of cards) and the campaign mode (gives a decent amount of cards from the Good aspects: Order, Nature and Wisdom; and a hero - the cards can drop from packs but the hero must be crafted).
Speaking of crafting, there is such a system but the conversion rate for rare cards is steep.
Since the game is free to play I suggest you give it a shot, but stay away from the PvP until level 10 - 15 when you will understand most of the mechanics and have a bit of a collection.
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