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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 140.1 hrs on record (103.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Aug 16, 2022 @ 10:03am
Updated: Aug 16, 2022 @ 10:08am

Oblivion is the game that truly introduced me to what an open world game experience is like. And while it has it's flaws and issues, such as poor optimisation and countless bugs; it's still a very addictive and fun experience. With so many quests, items to find, and characters to meet; not to mention the sheer number of character builds to try out; Oblivion, while not as a complex or in depth as Morrowind, or user/beginner friendly as Skyrim, I feel still has some good things worth revisiting.

Easily the biggest problem with Oblivion, is it's way of handling it's leveling system, which is confusing, and not at all well explained to the player. Unless you follow a guide, use mods, or console commands, getting your character to scale properly is almost impossible unless you mess with the difficulty slider to make the game easier. This flaw is one I feel will make or break Oblivion, as the standard difficulty turns enemies into meat walls that take way too many hits to kill early on; while you're fragile as a pool noodle.

Other then this issue; Oblivion is fantastic, and this says nothing about the DLC; which is an experience all it's own. Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles add tons of new content to experience, and while the house add-ons aren't the most essential thing in the world; they do add more fun to the experience. In addition; Mehrunes Razor provides a massive, lengthy dungeon, for those who want to truly test their worth to the god of destruction.

Overall, I highly recommend Oblivion to most players. If you're a fan of open world games, creating custom characters, or RPing in games; then Oblivion is a great starting point. I will admit, it DOES have it's problems, but most of them can be worked around using the PC version.
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