過去 2週間のプレイ時間:

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Mission Accomplished!

CONGRATS! You've just completed the mission by destroying those A.O.D satellites! You showed us you can be a closer, can't wait to see what you got on the next mission!
0 / 200


Trained and ready for action!
0 / 100

Acquire Laserblade

You've just acquire The InVincible Iron Ivy's incredible Laserblade! Now, show us how to use it!
0 / 200

Acquire Ivy Bow

You've just acquired The InVincible Iron Ivy's incredible Ivy Bow! Now, show us how to use it!
0 / 100

Acquire Scepter of Alchemy

You've just acquired The InVincible Iron Ivy's mystical Scepter of Alchemy! Let's see if you can put it to some good use!
0 / 200

Acquire Ivy Vine Whip

You've just acquired The InVincible Iron Ivy's all-powerful Ivy Vine Whip! Now, let's see if you can close the deal by completing this mission!
0 / 200