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0.1 hrs last two weeks / 7.7 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 14, 2023 @ 11:44pm
Updated: Jul 15, 2023 @ 12:07am

I'm turning 30 years old in two days from the time I'm writing this review. I grew up with this game. I was a newborn and my mom had been playing this game on her Mega Drive while she held baby me in her arms. She's 60 now, and still mentions this game from time to time. Because I always come back for more, in fact, I have a setup with a CRT monitor to play the games I grew up with, this one included.

Having played the MD version of Twin Cobra for as long as I can call myself a person, through all ups and downs of life, with almost 3 decades experience, and being quite acquainted with the arcade version, the one thing I can tell you about this game is that it is so damn HARD! You'll be proud if you can make through the past first level on one credit, and I don't think I have ever gone through a full loop spending just one. It requires an insane amount of skill and precision to beat this game in one credit, and it gets progressively harder with each loop (enemy bullets become faster and faster).

There's an incredible amount of attention to detail, a frame with useful statistics for those on widescreen monitors, supports screen rotation, controller remapping, rewinding function (believe me, I think it's unplayable without it), has a sound test mode, looks great on a CRT... and even features a super smooth 60fps mode! The complaints that I heard about sound emulation must be in the past because it sounds pretty faithful and awesome to the arcade version. The only issue I found is that by using practice mode the music will always be the one from the first level (Break a Leg!), but if I recall correctly using the level select cheat (Up, Down, Right, Left, Start after the heli lands on the title screen on the MD version) also has this effect, at least until you die the first time.

200% recommended! but beware, this game is not for the faint of heart, it's extremely difficult even on "very easy"... the best 2.5 MB you will ever spend on your SSD.

If you like shmups, or an old school challenge... In fact, you know what, just buy it. It's an amazing game and a piece of arcade history.
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Dr. Dro ඞ Jul 15, 2023 @ 7:40pm 
And I'm happy to hear from you too! :VLOVEIT: :auyay:

I've been rebuilding my PC Iffy! I bought a new monitor and a new graphics card (which is yet to arrive), so there's been tons of downtime for me. That and I've also been trying to get some stuff irl in order in the meantime.

I'll be sure to say hi more often :)
IFIYGD Jul 15, 2023 @ 4:42am 
Great review.
And yep- I always thought I was old enough to be your Mom, and I am- only a few years behind here in age, lol. My son is finding games that I played back when he was a babe and a young kid, either their early PC ports found on abandonware sites or in the few arcades in our area that still have working old machines from the 80s/90s/early 2000s.
Kudos to your Mom for loving this game back in its early days, and kudos to you for loving it now.
(And nice to see you on my timeline again- it's been a while!)