Sarah 27 oct. 2018 à 2h29 
Hi, Reddit Official Steam group made big giveway for every new member so everyone who join group receve Pudge or PA arcana. I have instruction in my profile if you need :)
Comradicale 14 aout 2018 à 19h21 
I trade my pudge arcana for any 10 Dota2 loading screens - if you want send me trade offer, I will accept
Lord Nuke 9 juin 2018 à 0h09 
I can give my Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm arcana for all of your dota 2 loading screens (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Link in my bio
Max 6 avr. 2018 à 1h22 
Hey bro,I can give my Dragonclaw Hook for all your acranas and immortals so if you ok just send me a trade offer. And please don't add me to friends , trade link is in my profile
Smaaaarf 29 mai 2016 à 1h50 
Dota 2 Canada pls sccept me as an remembance ^_^
Milk Dribbling, Fuck Smear. 24 févr. 2016 à 19h36 
Hi, manager of EverNova here
Eir Peltrow 8 déc. 2015 à 14h16 
Hi sir i added you for a trade, I am interested on your Brawler of the Glacier Sea Set (VG Tusk set) accept if you are interested on the trade
bili23975 22 avr. 2015 à 17h22 
i wanna be the narrator of the Dota 2 tournament in chinese language,my skype account is, if u can connect with me through this way,Please add my steam friends,and my huomaotv:
♦No Huskar please♣ 4 avr. 2015 à 10h17 
hello admin i check in and i cant find me on bracket team will o wisp
76561198208161372 8 févr. 2015 à 0h03 
still waiting for my prize sir.. tnx <3
@.DooGer 31 janv. 2015 à 22h41 
Hello, I wanna broadcast your Dota 2 tournament in Russian language. I'm from . Add in steam plz . My twitch: .
xKay 31 janv. 2015 à 13h09 
sup joker, its captain for Ape Zone , i need to talk about canada cup schedule with u, mind if u accept my friend req?
Q^Q 8 sept. 2014 à 8h07 
can i join the casting ?for english and chinese language?
333 12 janv. 2014 à 21h33 
Hi, I'm from Rigby @ ParaibaTV and need to talk to you, would you add me?
Samsara 9 janv. 2014 à 15h52 
Hi! im TheAzathoth from GamerStudio, if you could quickly add me for a talk it would be amazing! its about the upcoming spanish stream in 1 hour. Sorry for contacting you this way, dont have any other :d2puck:
Sleepy 15 mai 2013 à 18h48 
Sir. i gotta Report. I got scammed how do i send screenshots?
SLIP 7 mai 2013 à 6h41 
you got the limit of friends on steam...
SLIP 7 mai 2013 à 6h07 
nandoslipdf from forum.... hi
GREEN CUBE 24 avr. 2013 à 22h13 
sir how to buy item using forum gold.if i got 25 forum is same as 25 dolar i can buy from dota 2 store
dvs 9 avr. 2013 à 9h08 
sir i got scammed :/ ill send u some info
Olof smurfing no? 13 nov. 2012 à 5h27 
hi , isee u colect modifers , i have roshan kills mby u intrested
Vot 2 sept. 2012 à 0h53 
Are you still interested in int chests? got one and would trade for fg if you want
vorgo 2 sept. 2012 à 0h29 
Got 4 int chests, interested?
ProCracker.ftw 25 aout 2012 à 17h00 
Will u give me a international key plz???
Unidentified Dye 25 aout 2012 à 7h30 
I have 9 chests, wanna trade ?
TVDVS 24 aout 2012 à 12h17 
maybe u would like to trade treasure of champions for smth?
noah0010 20 juil. 2012 à 20h42 
Nice trader. +1 rep