Cyba Cowboy
Gregory Opera   Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Regarded by many as the most optimistic person you'll ever meet, I am a self-proclaimed geek from the Gold Coast (Queensland, Australia) that is passionate about all things tech and believes that music is one of the most important things in the world. I am also an animal-lover, a passionate advocate for Open Formats / Open Source Software and I am a HUGE fan of pretty much everything °o° Disney °o° .

When it comes to gaming, I do most of my gaming on my Sony PlayStation 4 Pro these days, largely due to the convenience and a lack of suitable computer (PC) hardware.

My favorite game is easily "The Last of Us"/"The Last of Us: Remastered", with my other favorite games / franchises including:
* Surviving Mars; and
* Gone Home; and
* Blade Kitten; and
* Marvel's Spider-Man (on the Sony PlayStation 4 / Sony PlayStation 4 Pro); and
* The "Red Dead" franchise; and
* The "Senran Kagura" franchise; and
* "The Legend of Zelda" franchise; and
* The "Dead or Alive" franchise (the "beach"/"volleyball" spin-offs in particular); and
* The "Hyperdimension Neptunia" franchise; and
* The "Kingdom Hearts" franchise; and
* The "Duke Nukem" franchise, including the infamous "Duke Nukem Forever" (I don't think it was as bad as most people make out!); and
* The "Leisure Suit Larry" franchise ("Leisure Suit Larry: Magna ♥♥♥ Laude" in particular).
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Recent Activity
7.6 hrs on record
last played on Jul 7, 2022
0.6 hrs on record
last played on Apr 28, 2022
11.4 hrs on record
last played on Apr 2, 2021