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Posted: Oct 31, 2014 @ 4:20pm

CS:GO Review
It's a great game, honestly. Big transformation from CS:Source; I <i>especially</i> liked how they imported the CS:S maps with changes, revisions and improvements. Really like how Office is looking in it. I love the new guns, and the concept of skins and cases. It really adds more worth of the tradable items instead of just trading cards, because you can have the same gun but with a different skin and based on that skin you can make from $0.10 to $50.00. Really fun trading, one thing I have to point out is the bots; the bots are REALLY handy, and in competitive it's great that they can be taken over so you can get some progress with it, but I'm not entirely caught by the AI physics and thinking. For example, I'm running through the office in... well, the office, and I run into a enemy. I just so happened to have been messing with my selected item slot, and then I'm still transitioning from the pistol to the rifle. At that point, the bot sorta stays still or jerks back and fourth and aims for like 3 seconds then decides to fire. I don't know if it's a glitch or what; but I'll give this game a personal grade.

Gameplay: 9/10 - The natural gameplay of the game
AI: 8/10 - The control and physics of bots, A.K.A. AI, or Artificial Intelligence
Graphics: 9/10 - How the game and environment looks
Performance Given: 10/10 - How the game runs
Performance Needed: 7/10 - What you need for stable gameplay
Overall Grade: 86% ; Solid B
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