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Appreciate the Turtle, Think like the Turtle, BE THE TURTLE.
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Tercatat 9,4 jam
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Tercatat 58 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 24 Apr
Tercatat 17,4 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 23 Apr
Kleinman 30 Mar @ 2:25am 
+rep thx for game
byteframe's cat 29 Mei 2020 @ 10:24pm 
🥗 ☣ 💎 ☣ 🏀 ☣ 🌽 ☣ 🐳 ☣ 🐛 ☣ ⚡ ☣ 💃 ☣ 🥒 ☣ 👃
🐟 ☣ 🍖 ☣ 👽 ☣ 🚕 ☣ 🌏 ☣ 👹 ☣ 🌸 ☣ 📗 ☣ 🎽 ☣ 📀
Brain fried -- Core dumped
📕 ☣ 🍆 ☣ 🎍 ☣ 🐝 ☣ 🍧 ☣ 📒 ☣ 💚 ☣ 🌋 ☣ 🎈 ☣ 🚘
Sandpaper 28 Mei 2020 @ 2:04am 
thinks he is chad, he is infact virgin
tvavocado 8 Mei 2020 @ 2:14am 
i do not like you much
tvavocado 20 Apr 2020 @ 10:27pm 
you're literally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weird
RetroDawn 11 Sep 2019 @ 8:48am 
Why are you so hard to talk to? I'm polite. Each time I approach you, I say "konichiwa". I always ask you about your favorite anime before talking about my waifu. Youre usually really shy (which is cute imo) but I hate that I have to be the one to constantly engage in conversations with you, and how you usually act disinterested because I'm a sand♥♥♥♥♥♥ guy. Yes, I get that it's awkward because of things like 9/11 but I don't hold it against them. Why can't the himes just realize that I respect Japanese culture and that I really want to be part of it. I'm willing to marry a Japanese woman, adopt Japanese children and live in Japan for the rest of my life. Hell, I'm even learning the language by watching undubbed anime. Plus, I cook a mean bowl of rice (for those who don't know, Japanese eat a lot of rice, I do too my Mom says that I act like a Japanese person because of all the rice I eat and the♥♥♥♥♥♥I watch.