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Nedávné recenze uživatele shotgun master cars 2

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31 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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0.3 hodin celkem
14 years ago if you told me european fishing was even remotely similar to american fishing i would've punched you so hard in ur grill that at least two teeth would've fallen to the ground and shattered (so dentist cannot replace)

but now in my moderns days (i'm twenty-nine years older) i'v erealized that fishing is by and large the same regardless of whatever continent you're in

it is all white men standing near bodies of water with rods with strings attached looking to bait the creatures of the sea into biting their hooks.

karl marx once said, "the products of fish belong to all people, especially poor people because they're pretty great."

i really like european fishing. it's like sailing in a boat in a body of water and casting a line into said body of water and waiting for a fish to take the bait.

it's fishing
more or less.

"you can't keep fishing like this"
- apollo creed
Odesláno 30. listopadu 2015.
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57 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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0.2 hodin celkem
Recenze předběžného přístupu
honsetly, this wil be my pick for game of da year

that dude got an ass biig enough to swallow da moon
and i aint talkin bout da moon
im talkin bout the space moon ma maaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
what this i must kill about
i must kill is light horror story game
one day one night one accident will light up his mystic past
because we would spoil it

so, i cannot recommend this enough
if ur feelin alone on a wednesday night, if da puss didn't come trhough like u expected. drop this disc into the cd player and figure yourself out. you know, i was young once. i didn't figure id be playin these games (all i had was an xbox, no pc in sight)
but the techonology of man has come so far in sucha short time. imagine if steve job was live. there would be even bigger technologies. all we have is bill gate, and all he does is rip off steve job. apple computers honestly recolutionalized computers and if you dnt think so watch da move "steve job" it tells all. he was mena to daughter (but he really loved he jus was too shy to say it)

conclusion: this game is good if ur bord
p.s. hoenstly game makers like u make steam worth living (keep up the owrks)
Odesláno 30. listopadu 2015.
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0.7 hodin celkem
u know i really sympathized with the story of big ass and emily..

da part when she said "i don't know..."
"i guess i'm okay.."
and the time i asked, "how are things?"
and she said, "i guess they're okay..."

and everything was really clicking for me. this is a title that will leave you quivering with pure nostalgia. when i heard the AIM noise i transported back to a time in which i was unable to have sexual intercourse with women due to my inability to conceal my emotions and not quote coldplay in my aim profile.

emily prolly gettin on the low from brad the whole time.

if you're reading this, ♥♥♥♥ you.

don't keep reading this.

i'm trying to spill my guts in this review because this game unleashed a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GRIP of horrible memories, and i'm tortured sitting here trying to calm my nerves.

whoever made this game u should know i was bullied as a teen, and the last thing i needed was this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game to transport me back to a period of time where bullies trapped me in my locker and gave me endless wet willies. you should know that i've changed since then. i've put on at least fifteen pounds of bulk (pure muscle), and now i'm ready to punch anybody who dares even mention a locker.

good god minnesota, i did not expect that amount when i moved the "window capture" window downwards to see the donation. you are truly a very generous man and i appreciate your support greatly. i love you. thank you so much man.

thank you minnesota. i can't thank enough

back to the review, if any bullies message me on steam or via mail expect to review a punch that is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard i will probably break a bone and if i don't there will at least be a bruise.

btw thank you minnesota ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

okay, i hope this review was helpful if you're thinking of playing this game.

i regret my purchase.

i give this game four charlie stars out of five computers.

Odesláno 22. listopadu 2015.
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29 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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0.1 hodin celkem
So, the question is, do you want to play this game?

Haha, let me tell you something.

This game.

Hold on,

I'm thinkin about it.

Gotta come to a consensus.

Um, well, I've been thinkin about it for a minute now and I'm ready to just come out and say it. :KneelingBow:

How you doin, sit tight, the review is comin.

I'm just preparing my final notes, and I'm ready to review it.

This game, "Fall out 34"

Odesláno 17. listopadu 2015.
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77 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
68 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
7.7 hodin celkem (6.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)

Eastern Music Is Good


I am Feeling Very Hungry

I Wen into Dark Year W/ Intention Of Joy...... But SHattered I Am. Mom Walked By In the Dead Of Dinnertime Asking Why I have Not Rested In Seven Seasons. Yet I find Myself Detached And Cold And Beccause of Dark Year I Am Not Able To Sleep!

This Game Is Haunt.

I Will Tell WHy Now.

The ♥♥♥♥ I Deal With On A Daily Basis U Would Not Believe.

In 1992 Bill Clintion Was Elected. Since Then Game Have Been Same.


I Give Game 6/10.
Because It Good But Not Good Great.

Please Answer My Email Devs???

The Stream Is No Complete.
Odesláno 30. října 2015.
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Vývojář reagoval dne 31. říj. 2015 v 6.23 (zobrazit reakci)
140 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
337 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
8.6 hodin celkem (3.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This Game Is Abslutely Great!

I'm Hoenstly Disappointed In This Game.

But I had Great funs created Coaster for all my Family. My Mom Came By WWhile making a coaster and Told Me Dinner is Ready But She Want To Ride the Coaster As Well As Dinner.

I'm Looking Forreawrd To Family Times With The Game Huddled Around the CPU Making Great Coaster For Honest Fun.

The Truth Of thE Matter Is I Think These Big Boys At Atari Can Make It All Work If THey Power THru Like My Family And I At Dinner TIme Around The Table Eating Dinner And Talking About The Day. I'm Looking Foward To Gameplay From Coaster TO Cotten Candy Stand To Ferris Wheel So Big You Can See THe TOp of Mountain But Hopefully Not Too High Because I Threw Up Once At A Carnvial In 2013 Fall.

Can I Post Emjosi? Anyways This Game Is Complete.

♥♥♥♥ it is so fun.

I'm looking Forward To Uninstalling This Game.

This Reinstalling.

I'm going Uninstall This Game Because I Am Disappointed

That I am Having So Much Fun Playing This Game.


- Game Is Great For Family (Refffer To Previous Story Of Mom And Dinnertime)
- I Can't Control The Coaster In The Game But I Can Build THem (?????)???
- Cons: The Cons Are None!


- I Pressed Ctrl+F To Find The Ending Roller Coaster Fantasy But Fell Short
- I Do Not Recommend this Game.

I am 13 Year Old Bosnia Ex-China Playing Game for First TIme.

Conclusion: I'm Trying To Get This RIght.
Odesláno 30. října 2015.
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48 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
30 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
406.7 hodin celkem (336.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze produktu CS:GO
i've played this game 4 at least three hours now and i can conclude that it ♥♥♥♥♥ SUCKS..

first off the arcrtic warfare sniper kills with one hit?? are you kiddin??? i thought this was a GAME not real life...

if i wanna die in one hit ill get shot in real life..
Odesláno 14. ledna 2015.
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