Charlie Beare
Collin   California, United States
hai helo i am a beare who likes games uwu
PatriciaPaay69 14 lutego 2023 o 6:59 
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V_V #FixTF2 10 czerwca 2021 o 12:56 
b e aa r
Derpington27 (Wattson simp) 28 lipca 2020 o 10:28 
A man in Lego City just can't take it anymore

A man has fallen into depression in Lego city

Start taking anti-depressants

hey.... (he says lifelessly to his wife and friends)

Climb to the top of the lego city bridge and say your goodbyes

Prepare to die, lower your expectations, and off the bridge

The new suicidal collection from Lego City
THE GOAT OF GOATS MILK 28 lipca 2020 o 10:17 
this ♥♥♥♥♥ scammed me in Detroit, can't have ♥♥♥♥ in Detroit
Stupid Joel Man 21 kwietnia 2017 o 20:50 
Doxazo 10 marca 2017 o 12:22 
A master of expert diplomatic strategy?