Temps de jeu des 2 dernières semaines :

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9 of 22 (41%) Succès remportés ::

Succès personnels

Survival Challenge

Last 10 Min in Survival
Débloqué le 14 mai 2020 à 22h49

5x Kill Streak

Kill 5 players in a row without dying during Deathmatch (must be 4 or more players in the match)
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 2h33

Rank 1

Completed a Deathmatch game. (public games only)
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 1h18

Rank 2

Achieved Rank 2 in a public Deathmatch game.
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 1h18

Rank 3

Achieved Rank 3 in a public Deathmatch game.
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 1h19

Rank 4

Achieved Rank 4 in a public Deathmatch game.
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 1h40

Rank 5

Achieved Rank 5 in a public Deathmatch game.
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 2h21

Rank 6

Achieved Rank 6 in a public Deathmatch game.
Débloqué le 8 mai 2020 à 2h37

Rank 7

Achieved Rank 7 in a public Deathmatch game.
Débloqué le 9 mai 2020 à 0h02

CO-OP Survival

Survive the full 15 min !

Blind Kill

Kill someone whilst completely blinded by another players flash grenade

Down to the wire!

Take the lead to win the match in the last 15 seconds!

Hit Man

Kill 7 or more unique players in a single match of Deathmatch

Furthest Shot of the Match

Hold the "furthest shot" at the end of the match (must be 4 or more players in the match)

Rank 8

Achieved Rank 8 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 9

Achieved Rank 9 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 10

Achieved Rank 10 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 11

Achieved Rank 11 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 12

Achieved Rank 12 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 13

Achieved Rank 13 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 14

Achieved Rank 14 in a public Deathmatch game.

Rank 15

Achieved Rank 15 in a public Deathmatch game. You are at the pinnacle of your game!