Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
36/36 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Butterfly catcher

Find an Ethereal Butterfly.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 3.48

Butterfly admirer

Find 15 Ethereal Butterflies.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.22

Butterfly collector

Find all Ethereal Butterflies.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.29


Finish any Hidden Object Puzzle in less than 1 minute.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.01

Skilled searcher

Finish 6 Hidden Object Puzzles in a row without using hints.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.14

Master searcher

Finish all Hidden Object Puzzles without using hints.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.20

Flawless aim

Finish any Hidden Object Puzzle with less than 4 mis-clicks
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 4.18

Instant finding

Find 3 hidden-objects within 3 seconds.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 4.05

Grain of truth

Find an Illusive Object.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 3.42

Truth will out

Find 15 Illusive Objects.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 5.50

Gospel truth

Find all Illusive Objects.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.42

Faster than light!

Finish any Mini-Game in less than 1 minute.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 3.52

Bright mind

Finish 4 Mini-Games in a row without skipping.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 5.44

Puzzle expert

Finish all Mini-Games without skipping.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.29

Private Eye

Perform your first Evidence Deduction.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 3.55


Establish the suspect of your investigation.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 4.24

Licensed PI

Perform all Evidence Deductions.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.27

Proof of the crime

Collect all the Evidence.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.21


Perform 3 Evidence Deductions without a wrong move.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.27


Finish a game of Pair-Matching in less than 3 minutes.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 10.03


Finish half of all Pair-Matching games.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 14.20

Master examiner

Finish all Pair-Matching games.
Avattu 17.10.2019 klo 4.12

Quid pro quo

Find a mysterious helping hand.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 3.53

I see the light!

Find the way back to the surface.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 4.00

It’s working!

Activate the cable car.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 5.44

I’ll be back!

Find the way back to the park grounds.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 5.48

Lift operator

Build a stable river crossing.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.05

Helping hand

Treat your ally's wounds.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.15

Raven’s nest

Gain access to the inner manor grounds.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.38

Recall the lost

Help recover a long-lost mind.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 6.53


Free yourself from captivity.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.06


Complete the relief and open the cell.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.26

Prey bites back

Deal with the beast. Permanently.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.28


Complete the game.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 7.31

Immersion master

Play through the first hour of the game without skipping any cutscenes.
Avattu 16.10.2019 klo 5.45

One of a kind

Unlocked all the other Achievements.
Avattu 17.10.2019 klo 4.12